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例句 It seems reasonable to suggest that all life forms on earth share a common origin.地球上所有的生命形式有着共同的起源,这种说法似乎有道理。A scab had formed on his knee.他的膝盖上结了个痂。The company commander ordered the group to form on the last platoon.连长命令这一组紧接着那个排列队。Beads of sweat formed on his forehead.他的额头上冒出一粒粒汗珠。Soap bubbles formed on the surface.表面上形成了一些肥皂泡。We had to fill out customs forms on the plane.我们得在飞机上填写报关单。I could just about make out his sleeping form on the bed.我只能隐约看出他在床上睡觉时的轮廓。Ice crystals had formed on the window.窗户挂上了冰晶。When we heat the house in the winter, condensation forms on the windows.冬天屋里一烧暖气,窗上就有凝结的水珠。A smile formed on his lips.他的双唇露出微笑。Ice had formed on the pond.池塘结冰了。It's important that you remember to send these forms on time. = It's important for you to remember to send these forms on time.务必要记得按时送出这些表格。Communist parties were formed on a world scale after the Russian Revolution.俄国革命之后,共产党在世界范围内成立起来。Please fill out the online form on our website.请上网填写我们网站上的表格。Put the lid on, or a crust will form on the paints.把盖子盖好,否则颜料表层会硬化。Beads of perspiration had formed on his forehead.他的额头冒出了豆大的汗珠。Ice had formed on the extremities of the aircraft wings.机翼末梢结起了冰。Hobart is convinced that there are life forms on other planets.霍巴特确信其他星球上也有生物存在。She wiped away the light film of sweat that had formed on her upper lip.她擦去上唇上薄薄的一层汗。Ice had formed on the windowpane.窗玻璃上结了冰。She stared at the lifeless form on the driveway.她盯着车道上单调的影子。A change in temperature may make moisture form on the windows.温度变化会使窗户上形成水汽。




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