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Only gradually are technologies being developed to mechanize the task.使这项任务实现机械化的技术只能逐步发展。However, in deciding on extensive mechanization, the concept of elite armoured forces had been lost.然而,在决定实现全面机械化的过程中,精锐装甲部队的观念早丢掉了。Perhaps, in time, this treatment will be mechanised.也许这种治疗方法最终将实现机械化。Farming has been mechanized, reducing the need for labour.耕作已经机械化了,减少了对劳动力的需求。The breathtaking potentialities of mechanization set the minds of manufacturers and merchants on fire.机械化的惊人潜力使制造厂和商人们激动不已。Agriculture began to mechanize after World War II.第二次世界大战后农业开始实现机械化。We've mechanized the entire bottling process.我们已使整个装瓶工序机械化。Thus it would be necessary to mechanize the entire army.因此,有必要实现全军机械化。The farm had been modernized and mechanized.这个农场已经实现现代化和机械化。Production of furniture remained largely unmechanized.家具生产大多还未机械化。The mechanized cavalry charged the hostile fort.机械化骑兵部队猛攻敌方要塞。Mechanization happened years ago on the farms of Islay.数年前,艾莱的农场就实现了机械化。 |