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词汇 Hold
例句 Hold out your hands with your palms facing downwards.把手伸出来,手掌朝下。Hold the layer in place with a wooden or metal peg.用木钉或铁钉固定着压条。Hold still while I brush your hair.我给你梳头时不要动。Hold it so and press the button.这样拿着它,然后摁下按钮。Hold it up so that we can see it.把它举起来让我们看看。Hold on to the instructions in case you have any problems.使用说明书要留着,以防有什么问题。Hold it a minute! Are you saying he's not coming?等一等!你是说他不来了?Hold it! I don't have my coat on yet.等一下!我还没穿上大衣呢。Hold your head up because you have every right to.昂起你的头,因为你有充分的权利去正视一切。Hold your breath for a moment and exhale.屏息一会儿然后呼气。Hold my hand: I don't want to lose you.抓住我的手,我不想把你弄丢了。Hold that pose. It will make a great photograph.保持那个姿势别动。这张照片一定会很棒。Hold the ladder steady!扶稳梯子!Hold the picture up so we can see it.把图片举高好让我们看到。Hold the baby while I load the car.你先抱着孩子,让我把东西装上车。Hold down the Alt key while pressing the arrow keys.按箭头键的同时按住替换键。Hold fast to this rope, and I will pull you up.抓紧绳子,我把你拉上来。Hold that last note for a count of four.把最后那个音保持四拍。Hold on a minute! That can't be right.等等! 那不可能是正确的。Hold the camera steady.把照相机握稳。Hold on to your ticket - you'll need it to get out of the station.把车票留着一出站时会用得着。Hold everything! He's changed his mind again.停下!他又变主意了。Hold onto the rope and don't let go.紧紧抓住那条绳子别松手。Hold it! What are you saying?等等!你在说什么?Hold it up to the light and let me see what color it is.把它拿到灯光下面,让我看看是什么颜色。Hold the nail at a right angle to the board.扶住这颗钉子,使之与木板成直角。Hold the bat in your right hand.右手握住球拍。Hold out your arms with your palms facing down.伸出双臂,手心向下。Hold it securely but don't squeeze too hard.牢牢握住,但是不要攥得太紧。Hold my hand while we cross the road.过马路时拉着我的手。Hold on tight to the rope.抓紧绳子。Hold on to your ticket - you'll need it later.留着你的票——以后还会用到的。Hold the knife at a slight angle.稍微歪着点拿刀。Hold on to the end of the rope.抓住绳子的末端。Hold on please, I have an overseas call for you. Go ahead, caller.请不要挂机,这里有你的一个越洋电话。请说吧,主叫用户。Hold on one moment while I transfer your call.请稍候,我给你转接。Hold your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side.双膝紧贴前胸,然后左右摇摆。Hold still a minute!别动!Hold the needle between your finger and thumb.用拇指和另外一根手指捏住这根针。Hold on, this will only take half a second.等一等,一会儿就行了。




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