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No other singer can hold a candle to her.其他歌手没有一个能比得上她。The cake from the bakery can't hold a candle to the one Grandmother made.店里买来的糕饼跟祖母做的没法相比。Your dog doesn't hold a candle to mine.你的狗比我的狗差远了。Her latest book is readable enough, but it can't hold a candle to her earlier work.她最新出版的书有一定的可读性,但不能同早期的作品媲美。There's no one in the business who can hold a candle to him.在这一行业里没人能比得上他。The new movie doesn't hold a candle to the original version.这部新电影无法与其原版本媲美。 |