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词汇 未婚夫
例句 Her intended's name is John Smith.未婚夫名叫约翰·史密斯。Give your fiance a chance to put things right.给你未婚夫一个改正的机会。Jane's father regards her fiancé with approval.简的父亲赞许地看着她的未婚夫Her future husband caught her on the rebound just after her first boyfriend had left her.她的未婚夫在她第一个男朋友跟她断绝往来之后乘虚而入。Have you met Christina's fiancé?你见过克里斯蒂娜的未婚夫吗?She turned up at her fiancé's bachelor party.她在未婚夫的单身汉聚会上现身。Her fiancé sported a bushy moustache.她的未婚夫留着浓密的小胡子。She was jilted by her first fiancé.她被她第一个未婚夫甩了。My fiancé's friends are planning a bachelor party for him, and I have a feeling something awful is going to happen.未婚夫的朋友打算为他搞个单身聚会,我觉得某种可怕的事要发生了。Let me introduce my fiancé.请允许我介绍一下我的未婚夫I'm going out on a blind date with a friend of my sister's fiancé我要去和妹妹未婚夫的朋友相亲。Alyssia had dumped her fiancé just two weeks before the wedding, and then slunk off to the south of France.就在婚礼的两个星期之前,阿莉西娅抛弃了未婚夫,溜到法国南部去了。Susan and her fiance think of their letters as cords of love.苏珊和她未婚夫把他俩的来往书信看作爱情的纽带。She is here without her betrothed.她丢下未婚夫一个人来了。My fiance and I are planning to be married in Hawaii because of its fantastic scenery.我和我的未婚夫打算在夏威夷结婚, 因为那里风景迷人。Charles is my fiance.查尔斯是我的未婚夫She jilted her fiance just before the wedding.她在婚礼前一刻抛弃了未婚夫She's been eating her heart out ever since her fiance broke off their engagement last month.自从未婚夫在上个月毁掉婚约之后,她就一直感到极度的忧伤悲痛。She didn't know Henry was Marie's fiancé.她不知道亨利是玛丽的未婚夫She met her future husband in a grocery store, of all places.她竟然是在一家杂货店里与她的未婚夫相识的。She had a fiancé but was seeing another man on the side.她有未婚夫,但暗中在和另一个男人约会。Her fiancé left her at the altar.她的未婚夫在最后一刻悔婚了。Julie's fiancé is a nice clean-cut young man.朱莉的未婚夫是个整洁体面的好小伙。She is, socially, poles apart from her fiancé.她在社交方面和她的未婚夫根本不是一路人。




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