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词汇 木头
例句 Rub in some polish to darken the wood.擦上一些上光剂,让木头的颜色变深些。The wood should be treated against insect attack.这块木头应该进行防虫处理。I have to be more careful with the work tops, as wood marks easily.我必须格外小心使用操作台,因为木头容易留下污迹。He wedged the door open with a bit of wood.他塞了一小块木头抵住门不让它关上。The wood is already showing signs of decomposition.这块木头已显示出腐烂的迹象。The wood had been recently polished to bring back the shine.木头最近抛过光,恢复了亮泽。He clamped the two pieces of wood together.他用夹具把两块木头固定在了一起。She sanded the wood in the direction of the grain.她沿着纹路打磨那块木头The drawing is transferred onto the wood by means of carbon paper.这幅图画是通过复写纸转印到木头上的。The wood flamed up and crackled.木头越烧越旺,噼啪作响。Use a length of wood or ply suitable for outdoor use.要用适合户外用途的一截木头或胶合板。The compression of the wood is easily achieved.木头很容易压紧。Insects had bored deep into the wood.虫子在木头上钻了很深的洞。I used the leverage of the bar and a wooden block to pry the rock out of the hole.我用撬杠和一块木头的杠杆作用把那块岩石从洞里弄出来了。As the wood is wet, it won't catch fire.木头是湿的,点不着。He looped the rope over the wood.他把绳子绕到木头上。He made a cut in the piece of wood.他在这块木头上划了一刀。I must have caught my shirt on a nail when I was moving that wood.我的衬衣一定是在我搬木头的时候让钉子钩住了。A few pieces of wood had washed ashore.几块木头被冲到了岸上。Any prospective buyer will be turned off by the sight of rotting wood.任何潜在的买主看到腐朽的木头,都会失去兴趣。Then you cut a groove into the wood, so that the two pieces can be slotted together.然后在木头里刻一道凹槽,那两块就可以插接起来。The wood on the porch has weathered over the years.门廊的木头已年久风化。The wood was smoothed and trimmed to size.木头刨平了并切割成需要的尺寸。To build the shelter, they had to make use of whatever bits of wood or plastic they could find.为了搭这个棚子,他们得利用捡到的任何小块木头或塑料。At the head of the grave there was a small wooden cross.坟头上有一个小小的木头十字架。He braced the gate with a piece of wood.他用一块木头加固大门。The wood was grained with a darker colour on top.木头的表面漆成了深色的纹路。Some letters had been burnt into the wood.木头上烙了几个字母。He jammed the window open with a piece of wood.他将窗户打开,用一块木头卡住。Hill folk denned in log cabins with dirt floors and no windows.山里人住在泥地和没有窗户的木头小屋里。Some bowls were made of pottery and wood.一些碗是用陶土和木头制成的。They threw firebrands onto the roof.他们把燃烧着的木头投向屋顶。The wood had been attacked by a fungus.木头已受到真菌侵蚀。They haul the logs into the sawmill.他们把木头运进了锯木厂。She carves figures from wood.她用木头雕刻人物。Join the two pieces of wood using a strong glue.用强力胶水把这两块木头黏合起来。One of his hands stroked down the smooth wood on the chair arm.他一只手沿着座椅把手上的光滑木头向下抚摸。These two pieces of wood fit together to make the base.这两块木头并在一起作底垫。The campers piled wood for the fire.野营者把木头堆在一起准备生火。The wood had been painted to simulate stone.木头上刷了漆以看起来像块石头。




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