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词汇 面具
例句 It was just my luck that I got a faulty mask.我就这运气,拿了一个面具还是坏的。Some stalls are selling celluloid masks and kokeshi.有些摊子上出售赛璐珞面具和小木偶。The tribe has different ceremonial masks for each ceremony.这个部落的每一种仪式都有不同的仪式面具She was wearing a Halloween mask.她戴着万圣节面具Surinam is culturally and ethnically diverse.苏里南在文化和种族方面具有多样性。They made a mask from a wax cast of her face.他们根据她脸型的蜡模做了一个面具The little girl was spooked by scary masks.小女孩被那些恐怖的面具吓着了。Symptoms may include mask-like facies, tremors, and shuffling gait.可能出现的症状包括面具脸、颤抖以及曳行步态。The King took a fancy to ordering disguises and masks.国王迷上了订购化装用品和面具Ensure the eyeholes in the mask are large enough.确保面具上的眼洞足够大。She made a mask out of papier-mâché.她用混凝纸做了个面具There's something uniquely English about the scene.这个场面具有英国特色。You'll frighten the baby wearing that mask.你戴那个面具会吓着宝宝的。All the robbers were masked.所有的强盗都戴著面具The robbers wore masks.劫匪戴了面具The mask was made from a plaster cast of his face.这个面具是按照他的脸的石膏模型制作成的。Masks and foils are provided for fencing.击剑用的面具和花剑已经准备就绪。The dancers were masked.这些舞者戴了面具The mask was so lifelike it was quite frightening.这个面具如此惟妙惟肖,还真是吓人。Gina was so heavily made up she looked as if she was wearing a mask.吉娜妆化得很浓,看上去好像戴了面具似的。She wore a mask over her face.她脸上戴着一个面具Behind the mask of friendliness, I know he really dislikes me.在友善的面具后面,我知道他其实并不喜欢我。The men who held up the store were wearing Halloween masks.持枪抢劫商店的那些人戴着万圣节的面具They were robbed by a man wearing a ski mask.他们被一个戴着滑雪面具的男子抢了。Two eyes glared at him from beneath the mask.面具背后的两只眼睛瞪视着他。In the second part of the play, the actors take off their masks.在该剧的第二部分,演员们摘掉了面具Although al-Jazeera is owned by the government of Qatar, the station insists that it is editorially independent.虽然半岛电视台归卡塔尔政府所有,但是该电视台坚持其在编辑方面具有独立性。The thieves were wearing masks.窃贼当时蒙着面具The child was badly frightened by the mask.这个面具把孩子吓坏了。She wore a mask and rubber gloves while she worked with the samples.她在处理这些样本时戴上了面具和乳胶手套。Children have an innate ability to learn language.儿童在学习语言方面具有天生的能力。




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