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词汇 服了
例句 I'm still a little dopey from the painkillers.服了止痛药,我现在还有点迷迷糊糊的。Painkillers were administered to the boy.已给那个孩子服了止痛药。I gave him a pill to settle his stomach.我给他服了一粒药丸以缓解他的胃部不适。After a stint in the army, Bill worked in sales.服了一段时间的兵役后,比尔从事销售行业。You shouldn't drive after taking these pills - they can make you drowsy.服了这些药片后不应开车,这些药片会使你昏昏欲睡。She took a couple of aspirins before going to bed.她上床睡觉前服了几片阿司匹林。She took an aspirin and went to bed.服了一片阿司匹林就上床睡觉了。She was on active duty for two years.服了两年的兵役。The doctor gave the patient a pill.医生让病人服了一片药。He dosed himself with pills.服了药。He took an antidote for the poison.服了对付那种毒物的解毒剂。I dosed him up with Valium.我给他服了安定。I took a pill to relieve my headache.服了一粒药缓解头痛。I took some over-the-counter painkillers for my headache.我头疼,服了一些非处方止痛药。I took a couple of painkillers, which took the edge off the pain.服了几片止痛药,减轻了疼痛。The patient who took this medicine suffered no ill results.病人服了这药没有不良后果。He was high on speed.服了苯丙胺后非常兴奋。You should not drive or operate machinery after taking the medicine.服了这药后不要驾车或操作机器。Eventually we managed to get the border guards to see reason.最后我们终于说服了边防哨兵。The patient was easier after the sedative.病人服了镇痛剂后舒服一些了。He took an aspirin to ease the pain.服了一片阿司匹林来解痛。Sleep came hard, even with a couple of sleeping pills.即使已经服了两片安眠药,仍难以入睡。She took an overdose of painkillers.服了过量止痛药。She eventually persuaded an airline to jet them to safety.她终于说服了一家航空公司用喷气式飞机把他们运到安全的地方。She was released on parole after serving just half of her sentence.她的刑期只服了一半就获准假释出狱了。I finally managed to persuade her to go out for a drink with me.我终于说服了她跟我出去喝一杯。I did two years national service.服了两年兵役。The patient failed to respond to the medicine.病人服了这药未见起色。He was almost boringly phlegmatic, as unexcitable as a drugged sloth.他迟钝得近乎叫人厌烦,麻木得像一只服了镇静药的树懒。I took some downers to help me sleep.服了些镇静药来帮助入睡。The pain began to ease up after she was given a sedative.服了止痛药后,疼痛开始缓解。A doctor was called, who came and sedated her.医生被叫来后给她服了镇静剂。




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