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词汇 impossible
例句 In spite of our best endeavours, it has proven impossible to contact her.尽管我们尽了最大的努力,但最后还是未能联系上她。It is impossible here to do justice to the complex history of the Legion.在这里不可能完整地论述古罗马军团复杂的历史。It was well-nigh impossible for him to convince her that he was right.让他说服她相信他是对的几乎不可能。It is impossible to measure the total supply of money in circulation.无法计算出流通中的货币供应总量。He is an impossible fellow.他这个人实在让人受不了。It was a code that seemed impossible to crack.这是个看似无法破译的密码。The extreme fluidity of the situation has made it impossible to predict the outcome.极不稳定的局势使得结果难以预测。It's impossible for him to thrust his own opinions upon us.他想把他的观点强加给我们,这绝不可能。My daughter is impossible, she always says the wrong thing.我女儿很让人崩溃,她老是说错话。Wanting mutual support, victory is impossible.没有互相支援就不可能胜利。It was impossible to camouflage the facts.要掩盖事实是不可能的。It is impossible until the courts have spoken to say whether it is praiseworthy salesmanship or a penitentiary offence.直到法庭宣布这到底是值得赞扬的推销方法还是应判入狱的罪行之前,这是不可能的。It is impossible to come to a conclusion in the light of the data we have here.以我们现有的数据不可能得出结论。It would be nigh impossible to fix it.这个东西几乎不可能修好。It is impossible for the body to regenerate lost brain cells.人体不可能再生死去的脑细胞。It was impossible to tell whether he had taken to Rose or not.不可能准确说出他是否爱上罗斯了。The twins are so alike that it's impossible to tell them apart.这对双胞胎长得那么像,不可能把他们区分开来。Peace could come only gradually, in carefully measured steps. Even then, it sounds almost impossible to achieve.和平只会逐渐到来,而且每一步都走得小心翼翼。即使那样,要实现和平听起来仍几乎不可能。Files have been stored in such a haphazard manner that they are impossible to find.文件存放得乱七八糟,根本不可能找到。I suffered, impaled upon those impossible texts.我无法摆脱那些讨厌透顶的文本,苦不堪言。The movie was so full of commercial breaks it was impossible to enjoy.这部电影里插播了这么多广告,简直没法好好欣赏。The task was self-evidently impossible.很显然,这项任务是不可能完成的。It was almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of death.几乎不可能确认死因。It seemed impossible for her to keep the house free of clutter.她不把房子弄乱好像是不可能的。Darkness made it impossible to continue.太暗了,无法再继续了。We were faced with an impossible task.我们面对的是一个无法完成的任务。It seemed impossible: a dream, a fantasy.这似乎不可能:只是一个梦想,一种幻想。It is impossible to say who struck the fatal blow.很难判断是谁给了致命的一击。His tunnel vision made sensible discussions on political issues nearly impossible.他目光短浅,几乎不可能就政治问题进行理智的探讨。Bret shouted, but it was impossible to make himself heard above all the noise.布莱特喊起来,但喊声盖不过吵闹声,不可能被人听见。It was well-nigh impossible to resist the temptation.抵制这种诱惑几乎是不可能的。Doug's gone from one extreme to the other - it used to be impossible to drag him away from the TV. Now we can't get him to stay home.道格从一个极端走到了另一个极端一过去他看电视怎也不舍得离开,现在却无法要他留在家里。These math problems are impossible!这些数学题太难了!It is impossible to hypnotise someone simply by saying a particular word or phrase.不可能仅通过说某个词或短语就能把人催眠。Without their help it would have been utterly impossible to arrange the conference.没有他们的帮助,完全是不可能安排这次会议的。Effectively, it has become impossible for us to help.事实上,我们已不可能帮忙了。Without order, stability is impossible.没有治安,就不可能有稳定。It was impossible to walk the route in late winter.在暮冬时节步行走那条路线是不可能的。A perfect circle is an ideal impossible to construct.完全的圆是一种无法作出的理想图形。She makes impossible demands of her employees.她向员工提出了一些不可能接受的要求。




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