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例句 We hope things will get better now the Tories are in.现在是保守党执政,我们希望情况会有所好转。The conventions of the book are explained in the front matter.本书凡例在文前页有所说明。They have extended the potential life span of humanity everywhere.世界各地人类的预期寿命均有所延长。He ought to reap the benefit of his hazard.他应该从冒险中有所收获。She grew intellectually and emotionally in her first year at college.她上大学一年级时学识和情感都有所发展。The poll indicates a drop in support for the Conservatives.民意测验表明保守党支持率有所下降。There has been an all-around improvement in his work recently.最近他的工作各方面都有所进步。The Assassins exercised some influence on the Templars.阿萨辛派成员对圣殿骑士还是有所影响的。Officially no slackening in enthusiasm is admitted.官方不承认热情有所减弱。This singer has recently lapsed from her formerly high standard of performance.这位歌手的演唱水平过去很高,近来有所下降。It might be worthwhile to consider your attitude to an insurance policy.考虑一下你对投保的看法也许有所助益。Inflation is down, spending is up. In short, the economy is in good shape.通货膨胀有所下降,消费则在上涨。总而言之,经济形势不错。The conversation had ranged over a variety of topics, from sport to current affairs.谈话内容广泛,从体育运动到时事都有所涉及。She is feeling no better than yesterday.她并不觉得比昨天有所好转。Recently, the company has turned around, and it should have a profitable year.公司近来有所好转,今年应该会赢利。She is a little better today, the doctor says.医生说她今天有所好转。The newspapers are notably biased.报纸显然有所偏袒。Sales are up for this October.今年十月营业额有所上升。If either side is to make any headway in these negotiations, they must be prepared to compromise.不管哪方想要在谈判中有所进展,他们一定得作好妥协的准备。There's been a decline in the living standards of old people.老年人的生活水平有所下降。It looked as though the college would have to shut, but this week it was given a reprieve.这所大学看起来要关闭了,但这周情况暂时有所缓解。He realized that if ever there was a time for action, this was it.他意识到如果说该有一个有所行动的时候,那就是现在了。Sales are up this quarter. However, expenses have increased as well.本季度销售额有所上升。不过,花销也增加了。Things have been getting better lately.最近情况有所好转。Her voice faltered and she had to stop a moment to control it.她声音发颤,只好稍作停顿以有所控制。The US dollar is down against most foreign currencies today.今天美元对大多数外汇的比价都有所下降。He is held in the highest regard by all his pupils.他享有所有学生最崇高的尊敬。There was nervousness in the White House about what might happen.白宫对可能发生的事情有所担心。The latest straw in the wind is a pick-up in sales among the nation's retail giants.最新的迹象是该国几家零售巨头的销售额有所上升。Some of the tension Altman builds up starts to sag.奥尔特曼制造的紧张氛围开始有所缓解。If you have skin problems or feel sluggish and run-down, then it may be time to detox.如果你患有皮肤病或感到懒散乏力,那么就该在饮食上有所注意了。The discussion couldn't have gone better if we had scripted it.即使我们事先有所安排,这场讨论也不会比现在更精彩。It's believed that ministerial changes will be made in the near future.据信内阁人事不久即将有所变动。We were hoping for something original in this new film but it's the mixture as before.我们曾期待这部新片子会有所创新,可它仍是换汤不换药的老一套。Things will not improve anytime soon. 情况不会很快有所好转。Western aid may help but will not be a panacea.西方援助可能会有所帮助,但不是灵丹妙药。The police presence is to be stepped up at this year's carnival.在今年的狂欢节上警方的安保措施将有所加强。Illiteracy rates have fallen in recent years.近年来文盲率已有所下降。Learners will benefit from using the book in conjunction with the video.这本书配合录像一起使用,学习者会有所得益。Her cancer has gone into remission. = Her cancer is in remission. 她的癌症病情有所好转。




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