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词汇 有希望
例句 There are signs of a desire for conciliation on the European side.欧洲一方有希望和解的迹象。MOOCs promise to change the face of higher education.慕课有希望改变高等教育的面貌。If we play well, we hope to make it to the final.如果发挥得好,我们就有希望进入决赛。She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter.她已经放弃了寻找失踪女儿的所有希望His failure sounds the death knell for all his hopes.他的失败宣告了他所有希望的破灭。If the right editor looks at your article, you're golden.如果正好有编辑看中你的文章,你就有希望了。Stack the promising applications here, and put the rejects over there.有希望的申请信放这儿,把筛掉的放那儿。He has hopes for preferment.有希望得到晋升。We can only hope that the elephants can recover.我们唯有希望这些大象能够康复。You can decide whether there is hope in working for mutual happiness, or if you should call it quits.你可以决定是否有希望为双方共同的幸福努力,或者就此一刀两断。It promises to be fine tomorrow.明天有希望是个好天气。He has been given to believe that there may be a future for him and Maria together.他于是相信他和玛丽亚也许还有希望在一起。It's only by facing up to her addiction that she can hope to live a normal life again.她只有勇敢地正视自己的毒瘾问题,才有希望重新过上正常的生活。He's no longer in the running for the post of chairman.他不再有希望当选为主席。There is an off chance of finding her at home.很少有希望在她家里找到她。Hope springs eternal in the human breast.人的内心总是存有希望There are hopes that an agreement can be made to break the deadlock between the White House and Congress.有希望达成协议,打破白宫和国会之间的僵持局面。We aren't too far behind, so we're still in with a shout.我们落后并不多,所以仍然有希望获胜。Only by facing your problems can you hope to overcome them.只有面对自己的问题,你才有希望解决它们。He is a young hopeful.他是有希望获得成功的年轻人。The result of the election is yet another hopeful sign that peace could come to the Middle East.已出炉的选举结果再次表明,在中东实现和平是有希望的。You shouldn't pin all your hopes on getting the job.你不能把所有希望寄托在得到这份工作上。While the company laid off some employees, others had hopes of keeping their jobs.虽然公司解雇了一些员工,但其他人有希望保住饭碗。His career opportunities suddenly looked brighter.他突然似乎又有希望飞黄腾达了。The editorial packed an uncommon kind of punch to reveal the hopeful elements in the grimmest situation.社论以非凡的雄辩揭示出最为严酷形势下尚具有希望的因素。The group of death has three teams - Arsenal, Napoli and Dortmund - who could all potentially win the tournament.死亡之组中的三只球队:阿森纳、那不勒斯和多特蒙德,都有希望夺冠。It is essential for all players who wish to compete that they earn computer ranking points.对所有希望参赛的选手来说,获得电脑排名的分数非常重要。It now seems possible to entertain hopes that the strike will be settled soon.现在看起来,罢工还是有希望很快结束的。The result of the election in is yet another hopeful sign that peace could come to the Middle East.已出炉的选举结果再次显示在中东实现和平是有希望的。There were a number of applications, but he was expected to get the nod.提出申请的人很多,可他有希望给挑中。All hope of them winning the championship eventually bit the dust.他们赢得冠军的所有希望最终都成了泡影。Both sides were making hopeful noises about the hostages.双方都在表达人质还有希望的意思。We have every hope of completing the project this year.我们完全有希望在今年完成这一计划。




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