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She was a gifted child and could speak in full sentences at a very young age.她是个有天赋的孩子,很小的时候就能说完整的句子了。With her talent and fierce ambition , she became a very successful actress.她有天赋,雄心勃勃,最终成为了非常成功的演员。The team has a lot of raw talent. 这个队有很多有天赋但缺乏经验的队员。He has a talent for writing parodies.他在写戏仿作品方面有天赋。Owen had talent in spades but barely any experience.欧文非常有天赋,但几乎没有什么经验。Weiskopf was a talented and successful man, but he did have a cruel side.魏斯科普夫颇有天赋而且事业有成,但他的确有残忍的一面。 |