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Lightning forked above the hills.闪电在小山上面闪出叉状的电光。An incredibly loud bang followed the flash.闪电之后跟着一声震耳欲聋的巨响。The little girl is afraid of thunder and lightning.这小女孩害怕雷声和闪电。Lightning usually accompanies thunder.闪电通常伴著雷声。The lightning lifted the whole scene into stark relief.闪电把整个景象照得轮廓极为分明。The myth tells of how the gods sent fire to the earth in flashes of lightning.这则神话故事讲的是天神如何通过闪电把火种带到人间。We saw lightning and listened for the thunder.我们看见闪电就等着听雷声。Lightning set several buildings on fire.闪电燃着了几栋大楼。A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second.突然一个闪电瞬间照亮了一切。Thunder boomed and rolled across a purple sky laced with broad strokes of lightning.雷声滚滚,一道道粗壮的闪电划过紫色的天空。In a storm you often see lightning and you hear thunder.在暴风天,常常能看到闪电听到雷声。Agassi saw his chance and, with another lightning forehand, reached match point.阿加西看准机会,再次以一个疾如闪电的正手击球拿到了赛点。Lightning is a natural phenomenon.闪电是一种自然现象。Thunder is the noise the lightning makes.雷声是闪电制造的。The tree was seared by lightning.那棵树被闪电劈中,烧焦了。Did that lightning shake you up, honey?闪电吓着你了吗,亲爱的?The lightning zigzagged through the churchyard.闪电呈之字形划过教堂墓地。She had been struck dead by lightning.她是给闪电劈死的。It was unbelievably dramatic as lightning crackled all round the van.闪电在货车周围炸开时,情景异常壮观。The lightning had damaged the plane's instruments, and they weren't giving any readings.闪电击毁了飞机的仪表,上面什么数据都显示不出来。Lightning flashed among the distant clouds.闪电在远处的云层中闪过。Lightning set the building ablaze.闪电导致那栋建筑着火了。Can lightning ever strike twice in the same place?闪电会不会两次击中同一个地方?Thunder and lightning always make the horses nervous.雷鸣和闪电总是会把马匹弄得紧张不安。There was a thunder clap followed instantly by lightning.一声雷鸣,紧接着是闪电。The lightning short-circuited the TV.闪电使电视机短路了。There was a flash of bright light beyond the forest and the thunder exploded again.树林那边一道明亮的闪电划过后,又响起一阵雷声。Lightning flashed outside.外面闪电闪烁。After the lightning came the thunder.闪电后接著是雷声。The lightning shorted the TV.闪电使电视机短路了。A special system prevents the circuitry from being tripped accidentally by a power surge or lightning strike.有一种特殊系统防止电路因电力激增或闪电而被意外切断。Lightning ripped the cloudy night sky.闪电划破乌云密布的夜空。Lightning is a natural occurrence.闪电是一种自然现象。 |