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词汇 闪现
例句 While not conventionally beautiful, her personality shines through her face.虽然不是大众美人,但她的脸上闪现着迷人的人格魅力。Her life flashed before her eyes when her car was about to crash.在撞车前的一瞬间,过去生活中的一幕幕在她的眼前闪现Lightning flashed among the distant dark clouds.一道道电光在远处的乌云中闪现I had to wait until inspiration struck.我不得不等待灵感闪现At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark.在最庄严的时刻他脸上会闪现嘲弄的微笑或说一句讽刺挖苦的话。A sudden oddity of memory struck him.一个奇特的回忆突然在他头脑里闪现A ludicrous thought flashed through Harry's mind.一个荒谬的念头突然在哈里脑中闪现As the pictures flashed on the screen, the newsman continued talking.随着屏幕上图片的切换闪现,男记者继续报道。An idea suddenly pierced her mind.一个想法突然在她脑海中闪现Despite an occasional glimmer of hope, this campaign has not produced any results.虽然偶尔会闪现一丝希望,但是这场宣传活动目前并无任何效果。He sits in front of a computer monitor as words and images flash on the screen.当文字和图像在屏幕上闪现时他正坐在计算机显示器前。I'll admit the thought did cross my mind.我要承认,这想法的确在我脑中闪现过。One by one, the stars appeared in the sky.星星逐个在天空闪现A fish in the river catches the light one second and swims off into a dark pool the next.河里的一条鱼闪现了一下,紧接着游到旁边的深水池里去了。




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