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词汇 暴民
例句 The governor was hanged/burned in effigy by a mob of protesters. 总督的模拟像被一群暴民吊起/焚烧。TV globetrotter Alan Whicker was nearly burned alive by an angry mob in Egypt.电视环球旅行者艾伦·惠克在埃及差点被一群愤怒的暴民活活烧死。An angry mob laid siege to City Hall.愤怒的暴民包围了市政厅大楼。An angry mob tried to get at him but the police protected him.一伙愤怒的暴民试图接近他,但警察保护了他。An angry mob surrounded the palace.一群愤怒的暴民包围了皇宫。He was roughly handled by the mob.他受到暴民粗暴的对待。An angry mob ran him out of town.愤怒的暴民把他逐出城外。The police had to be called in to handle/disperse the growing/gathering mob.必须叫警察来驱散越聚越多的暴民They were immediately surrounded by the mob.他们立刻被那帮暴民包围住了。The mob flamed through the streets.暴民气势汹汹地穿过街头。The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs.这项法案有明确的目的,即保护被解放的奴隶免受白人暴民的伤害。He tried to pacify the mob.他试图安抚暴民He's the mob's top banana.他是暴民的头头。An angry mob screamed abuse and hurled missiles during clashes with police yesterday.在昨天与警方的冲突中,愤怒的暴民向警察又是辱骂又是投掷东西。Their car was stoned by an angry mob.一伙愤怒的暴民向他们的车扔石块。A mob stoned and robbed the shops.一群暴民用石头砸了商店,并抢劫店里的货物。The mob set fire to cars and buildings.暴民放火烧汽车和建筑物。The accused killer was lynched by an angry mob.受指控的凶手被一群愤怒的暴民以私刑处死。The policemen bore up to their duty in the face of the mob.面对暴民,警察始终忠于职守。A mob was rioting against the municipal government.一群暴民闹事反对市政府。Hungry mobs went on a looting spree in the city.饥饿的暴民在这座城市里大肆抢劫。The angry mob would have torn him limb from limb if the police hadn't protected him.要不是警方保护,他或许早已被愤怒的暴民撕成碎片了。A mob armed with guns was at the border between the two republics, spoiling for a fight.一群持枪暴民聚集在两个共和国的边境上,急于开战。At the sight of the mob,the citizens' anger woke.一看见暴民,市民们怒火中烧。The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs.警方面对的是一伙投掷砖头和汽油弹的暴民The ravenous mob pillaged the town.掠夺成性的暴民洗劫全城。The angry mob fired rocks at him.愤怒的暴民向他扔石块。The angry mob smashed store windows and attacked people on the streets.愤怒的暴民打碎了商店的橱窗并攻击街上的行人。




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