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词汇 明晰
例句 His prose is everywhere a demonstration of a lucid style.他的散文处处显示出一种明晰的风格。I like her transparent style of writing.我喜欢她明晰的文体。What he has to say is expressed in prose of exceptional lucidity and grace.他所要说的都以极为明晰优雅的文字表达了出来。The general gave his orders with such clearness and precision, and at the same time was always affable with every one.将军很明晰准确地下达了命令,但同时又对大家和蔼可亲。This clause was a model of lucidity.这一条款是明晰文体的典范。The dizziness passed and an extraordinary lightness and clarity seemed to possess me.眩晕过后我似乎感到无比轻松和明晰Today's pawnbrokers operate within well-defined financial regulations.当今的典当商按照明晰的金融规章运作。I have a clear understanding with any lawyer I hire.我与我雇用的所有律师都有明晰的协议。The system was clearly not functioning smoothly or transparently.该系统显然运行并不顺畅,也不明晰We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary democracy…我们现在正努力建立明晰的议会民主制。Books for children should have a clear, easy style.儿童读物应有明晰易懂的风格。The book is remarkably accurate and transparently fair-minded.这本书记述确凿,言辞明晰,见解公正。This is an admirably clear and navigable website.这家网站结构明晰、极易浏览。Churchill's clarity of vision impressed all who knew him.丘吉尔明晰的洞察力给每一个认识他的人都留下了深刻的印象。The law should be set out in clear terms.法律应该用明晰的语言来表达。




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