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词汇 时不时
例句 Every now and then an event occurs that changes public attitudes.时不时地就会有改变公众态度的事件发生。She had so vividly imagined it time and time again.时不时地会非常生动逼真地想象一番那个场景。We still see each other every now and then.我们还是时不时地会见面。Her symptoms returned periodically.她的症状时不时地出现。She looked at him directly and occasionally smiled disarmingly at him.她直视着他,时不时地冲他友善地笑笑。Ever and anon, high above the city, a faint cry would come.时不时地,城市上空会传来一声微弱的呼喊。Every now and again he risks the odd thoughtful descant of his own.时不时地,他大胆提出与众不同、颇有创见的想法。He went home from time to time, to keep his mother happy.时不时地回趟家,好让母亲高兴。Your name has popped up from time to time.你的名字时不时地蹦出来。Every so often the silence was broken by the sound of gunfire.宁静时不时被炮火声打断。He listens, and sometimes he inclines his head sympathetically.他边听边时不时地点点头表示同情。It's become a commonplace to see people collapsing from hunger in the streets.现在在街上时不时会看见有人饿晕。The least he deserves is a compliment from time to time.他至少应该时不时地得到夸奖。Every so often the characters burst into song.那些角色时不时地突然唱起歌。When you're a professional footballer, you expect people to take a pop at you now and again.作为一名职业足球运动员,时不时遭人批评是正常的。Everyone is bound to make mistakes sometimes.每个人都可能时不时犯点错误。Her name keeps popping up in the newspapers.她的名字时不时地出现在报纸上。He made spasmodic attempts to clean up the house.他会时不时来了兴致后便打扫一下屋子。We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives.我们都时不时需要逃避生活中的无聊和平淡。I don't mind helping her out occasionally, but this is getting beyond a joke.我不介意时不时帮她一下,但现在这变得有些让人烦了。He takes a nip now and then.时不时喝上一小口酒。From time to time he will take on a new persona.时不时地会改变一下自身形象。These machines are still used on occasion today.这些机器至今还时不时地使用。Dad would occasionally break in with an amusing comment.爸爸时不时插进来一句趣评。After the accident I started having funny turns.事故后我开始时不时地感到不适。He managed to lighten the generally lifeless debate at times.他让这场总体很沉闷的辩论时不时迸出了些火花。Occasionally he made a humorously sardonic remark.时不时说一句幽默嘲讽的话。His head still pains him from time to time where he got that knock.他头部被击中的地方还时不时会疼。He suffers from fits of depression.时不时出现抑郁。There are laws to protect the mentally ill, but now and then someone does slip through the net.虽然有保护精神病患者的法律,可是时不时会有人没有被照顾到。The story veers toward the ridiculous at times.这个故事时不时地会偏离到一些荒谬的情节上去。I like to give the girls a little treat every now and then.我喜欢时不时地让女孩子们高兴一下。The show provided lots of belly laughs.这场表演时不时地引得观众捧腹大笑。I don't mind loaning her a bit of money now and then, but enough is enough!我不介意时不时地借点钱给她,但是她该适可而止了!Now and then she peeped to see if he was noticing her.时不时地偷眼看他是否在注意自己。Every now and then you hear some bombs bursting.你会时不时地听到一些爆炸声。I earn enough to push the boat out now and again.我挣的钱足以时不时摆摆阔了。I'm not averse to a glass of whisky now and then.我喜欢时不时地喝一杯威士忌。I can't help noticing the occasional clanger in war films.我总是会发现战争片中时不时出现的错误。The text is dotted with digressions.文中时不时会出现偏离主题的内容。




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