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Japan's trade surplus increased rapidly over the last few years.日本的贸易顺差在过去几年里迅速增长。Japan's low crime rate remains the envy of the industrialized world.日本的低犯罪率依然让发达国家感到羡慕。The United States has twice as many people as Japan.美国的人口是日本的两倍。Analysts say the recession in Japan has sapped investor confidence.分析家称日本的经济衰退已经打击了投资者的信心。Other countries have totally different laws on abortion. By way of illustration let us look at the cases of Germany and Japan.其他国家在堕胎问题上有着完全不同的法律。举个例子,我们可以看一下德国和日本的情况。He received a posting to Japan as soon as his training was finished.培训一结束,他就收到了派往日本的任命。Japanese investment has revitalized this part of Britain.日本的投资使得英国这一地区的经济复苏了。Japanese PC makers now face foreign competition in their home market.日本的个人计算机制造商目前在国内市场也面临着来自外国企业的竞争。Fears about Japan roiled world financial markets last week.上个星期对日本的担忧让世界金融市场停止了正常运作。The religions of Japan are both theologically and institutionally, quite different from those of the Western world.日本的宗教与西方世界的宗教在神学上和制度上都完全不同。Korea lies to the west of Japan.朝鲜在日本的西面。It is the custom in Japan to take your shoes off when you go into someone's house.根据日本的传统,进入人家的屋子时要脱鞋。The U.S. has increasingly relied on Japanese capital.美国越来越依赖日本的资本。We are the biggest consumers of tropical hardwoods after Japan.我们是仅次于日本的第二大热带硬木消费国。Fruit is fairly inexpensive in Japan because they buy cut-price oranges and apples from South Africa.日本的水果相当便宜,因为他们从南非购买减价的橙子和苹果。Most of Japan's manufacturers distribute their products through separate wholesale companies.日本的大部分制造商通过独立的批发公司配送产品。The population of Japan doubles that of Canada.日本的人口是加拿大的两倍。Such a port would facilitate the passage of oil from the Middle East to Japan.这样一个港口将会使中东至日本的石油运输变得便捷。The drop in profits bodes ill for Japan's semiconductor industry.利润下降对日本的半导体工业来说不是个好兆头。Bu is a unit of length in Japan.日分是日本的长度单位。Japan has a much lower crime rate than other countries.日本的犯罪率远远低于其他国家。They were less willing to be spoon-fed doctrines from Japan.他们不太愿意被填鸭式地灌输来自日本的学说。Two worlds collide in a new novel about an American family living in Japan.在一部描写一个生活在日本的美国家庭的新小说中,两种生活方式产生了冲突。The government is urging Japan's firms to collaborate with foreigners.政府正在督促日本的公司进行更多的海外合作。He ran an import-export business and had underworld contacts in Japan.他经营进出口生意,并与日本的黑社会有往来。The climate in Japan is generally mild.日本的气候总体而言比较温暖。The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan.波士顿美术馆已经签了合同,将部分展品租赁给日本的一家博物馆。He was without question one of the giants of Japanese literature.毋庸置疑,他是日本的文学巨匠之一。Japan's productivity has overtaken America in some industries, but elsewhere the United States has clung on to its lead.在有些行业,日本的生产效率超过了美国,但在其他行业美国仍然保持着领先的地位。Japanese televisions and hi-fi systems are exported all over the world.日本的电视机以及高保真音响设备出口到世界各地。The divorce rate in Japan is much lower than in the U.S.日本的离婚率比美国的低很多。Business entertainment seems a natural extension of Japan's gift-giving culture.生意上的宴请招待似乎是由日本的送礼文化自然发展而来的。In this regard, Japan's politicians are failing.就此而言,日本的政客们辜负了民众的期望。Japanese interest rates rose relative to America's.与美国相比,日本的利率上涨了。A high yen makes Japanese exports more expensive.日元坚挺使日本的出口货物更加昂贵。He drew an interesting parallel with religious practices in Japan.他拿日本的宗教修行做了有趣的比较。My dad's advice to go to Japan had proved gilt-edged.事实证明父亲劝我去日本的建议极其英明。You can't make a comparison between American and Japanese schools – they're too different.不能将美国的学校和日本的学校相比较,它们太不一样了。Emperor Akihito of Japan has been enthroned in Tokyo.日本的明仁天皇已在东京登基。Japanese college students in particular are disillusioned by the restrictions placed on them by society.尤其是日本的大学生对社会强加给他们的种种限制感到失望。 |