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词汇 日光
例句 A lot of people get depressed in the winter, when the weather's bad and there's very little sunlight.冬天天气不好,日光又少,许多人会因此而感到抑郁。Faint glimmers of daylight were showing through the treetops.微弱的日光从树梢中透出。The landscape looked very different when we saw it by daylight than it had by moonlight.这景色在日光下与在月光下看到的完全不同。Careful inspection in daylight revealed imperfections in the paintwork.经过在日光下细心检查,发现油漆涂层有瑕疵。The lamp mimics natural sunlight.这种灯模拟自然日光Geoff lay dozing gently in a sunlounger.杰夫躺在折叠式日光椅里轻轻地打着嗑睡。A lot of people feel run down in the winter months, when the days are short and there's very little sunlight.许多人在冬季几个月里会觉得很疲惫,那个时节白天短,日光少。With no clocks and no daylight it was hard to gauge the time.既没有钟,又不见日光,很难判断时间。The plants will wilt in direct sunlight.日光直射会使这些植物枯萎。Artificial light is not to be compared with daylight for general use.作为一般用途,人工光比不上白日光The prisoners emerged blinking into the daylight.囚犯们眯着眼睛走进明亮的日光中。Sunshine and rain are beneficial to the crops in the field.日光和雨水有益于田间作物。Things look different by the light of day.物体在日光下看起来不一样。It is easier to read by daylight than by lamplight.日光下读书比在灯光下省力。The buoyancy of solar-heated air rising up the chimney spins a turbine and generates electricity.日光晒热的空气沿烟囱升起,产生向上推力,推动涡轮旋转发电。All tomato plants love bright, intense sunlight.所有的番茄植株都喜明亮强烈的日光Excessive exposure to sunlight speeds up the ageing / aging process of the skin.过多地暴露在日光下会加速皮肤的老化。It is important to consider which way the house faces, as that determines how much sun it gets.考虑房子的朝向很重要,因为那决定着它能晒到多少日光Don't lie in the sun for too long.不要在日光下躺太长时间。Some red roses blanch in the direct sun.有些红玫瑰在日光直接照射下会变成白色。For pictures taken in daylight, use a different film.日光下拍照要使用一种不同的胶卷。The large windows let in plenty of daylight.大窗子可以进来大量的日光The day soaked through the fog.日光穿透了雾层。The colours look much better in daylight.这些颜色在日光下看起来更漂亮。It looks different in daylight.它在日光下看上去就不一样。You might need to acclimate your plants to bright sunlight gradually.你或许得让你种的植物逐渐适应强日光环境。Daylight struggled in through the dirty panes.日光勉强透过污秽的窗玻璃照射进来。If possible, it's better to work in natural daylight.如果条件允许的话,最好在自然日光下工作。The colours look different in daylight.日光下这些颜色看起来不一样了。We could see daylight through the cracks in the wall.透过墙上的缝隙,我们可以看见日光The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost.空气稀薄清新,其间日光蒙眬,寒气逼人。Daylight was showing through the curtains.日光透过窗帘照进来。The sun reflected dully off the stone walls.石墙上反射出朦胧的日光




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