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例句 For all his rough edges, O'Connor possesses an unerring ability to score goals.尽管奥康纳仍有不足之处,但是他具有精准无误地射门得分的能力。The document is factually correct.这份文件的内容真实无误Of course, my train was late, but the others seemed to be on time.当然我乘的那班火车是晚点了,但其他班次好像都准时无误The witness said he understood that he was swearing to give true and correct information.证人说他明白他是在发誓要提供真实无误的资料。He wrote a clean copy of the final draft.他誊写了一份清楚无误的最终稿。Send all letters recorded delivery if you want to be certain they will arrive.倘使你要确保信件递到无误,用记录式邮递寄发好了。Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair.他们每年对我们进行账务审核,以确保其真实无误He is off the hook because his alibi checked out.他已经脱身了,因为他的不在场证明已证实无误She'll worry at those figures until she's sure they've been done correctly.她会反复验算那些数字,直到确定计算结果无误为止。




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