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例句 The syndrome can lead to sudden paralysis.该综合征可能会导致突然瘫痪。We all know that when we exert ourselves our heart rate increases.我们都知道太卖命了会导致心跳加速。The disease causes pregnant animals to abort.这种疾病会导致怀孕的动物流产。The world's scientists have reached a nearly unanimous consensus that the surface of the Earth is warming as a result of human activities.世界各国的科学家们就人类活动导致地球表面变暖这一点几乎达成共识。The two pilots who crashed the helicopter cannot be absolved from blame.导致直升机坠机的两名飞行员无法免除事故责任。Straining to lift heavy weights can lead to a rise in blood pressure.用力提重物会导致血压升高。We don't know what makes a sleepwalker.我们不知道是什么原因导致人们梦游。Friday's shooting incident in East London led to several arrests.星期五伦敦东部的枪击事件导致数人被捕。They were able to determine the cause of the accident by careful reconstruction of the events leading up to it.他们能够通过对导致事故的各种事件进行梳理,确定事故起因。The excess weight caused the bolt to shear off.超重导致螺栓断裂。A diet that is high in fat and sugar can lead to obesity.高脂肪和高塘饮食会导致肥胖症。General causes of thrombocytopenia include poor nutrition, infections, radiotherapy, and some drugs.导致血小板减少症的原因一般有营养不良、感染、辐射治疗和一些药物。Members are concerned that a merger might mean higher costs, in which case they would oppose it.成员们担心合并会导致成本提高,若是那样的话,他们将提出反对。Issues of national defense have been the undoing of Democratic candidates.国防问题导致了民主党候选人的失利。A great chunk of loose kerbing smashed into my left-front wheel, bursting the tyre and denting the rim.我车子的左前轮撞在一大块松动的路缘石上,导致车胎爆裂、轮辋凹陷。Lack of investment had led to a decline in public services.缺乏投入导致公共服务走了下坡路。The crash happened after drivers were blinded by a mixture of fog and thick black smoke.雾气加上浓浓的黑烟阻挡了司机的视线,导致这次撞车事故的发生。His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness.童年时的一场疾病导致他行走困难。Increased competition has caused prices to drop. 日益激烈的竞争导致价格下跌。It is well established that nutritional deficiencies can produce depression.缺乏营养会导致抑郁,这个观点已得到证实。Rashes, boils and lumps caused by insect bites or parasites can be more than a passing problem.由昆虫叮咬或寄生虫导致的皮疹、疖子及肿块可能并不是能扛过去的小病。The famine threatened to depopulate the continent.饥荒可能会导致该大洲人口减少。This defeat led to the disintegration of the empire.这次战败导致了帝国的瓦解。Sand had accumulated at the mouth of the river and formed a bank which boats could not pass.沙子聚集在河口,形成了一个沙洲,导致船只无法通过。News about toxic leaks from old landfills has resulted in the NIMBY syndrome. 旧填埋场有害物质泄漏的消息导致人们产生了邻避综合征。The scandal was causing student numbers to drop.丑闻曾导致学生人数下降。All mergers entail some job losses.所有的合并都会导致一些工作岗位的减少。Lower German interest rates will eventually allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc.德国较低的利率最终将导致欧洲货币对美元集团货币的贬值。Due to a slip-up at the power plant, there was a five hour blackout.发电厂的疏忽导致停电五小时。The trade embargo drove up prices and pinched supplies.贸易禁令抬高了物价并导致供应紧张。Car exhaust is a major contributory factor in air pollution. 汽车尾气是导致空气污染的一个主要因素。The Roman Empire didn't fall because of barbarian hordes.罗马帝国的衰亡并不是野蛮部落导致的。The war has led to the collapse of agriculture in the area.战争导致那一地区农业崩溃。This led to an overestimation of what conceptual thinking could contribute to practical life.导致人们高估了概念式思考对实际生活可能产生的影响。The crowding could lead to more battles and more wounds, which are a frequent sight.这样的拥挤可以导致它们之间更多的搏斗和受伤,血淋淋是常见的景象。The charges could have potentially resulted in a death sentence.这些指控本来可能会导致判处死刑。A fray outside the pub left two injured.酒吧外的斗殴导致两人受伤。A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage.地震引起的海啸袭击了沿海地区,导致灾难性的破坏。What led him to resign his office?什么事导致他辞职的? Money problems often lead to marital breakups.金钱问题常导致婚姻破裂。




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