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词汇 无法控制
例句 He's walking into a situation that he absolutely can't control.他正陷入自己完全无法控制的局面。The government has been unable to control/reduce/curb inflation.政府已无法控制/减少/抑制通货膨胀。She was unable to restrain her desperate anger.无法控制自己极度的愤怒。He's not able to manage his emotions.无法控制自己的情感。She was unable to contain her impatience.无法控制自己的焦躁。It seemed that the Senator was unable to master his feelings.看起来那位参议员无法控制他的感情。He could barely restrain his anger.他几乎无法控制自己的怒火。He was unable to control his jealousies.无法控制自己的醋意。I know I'm being selfish, but I can't help it.我知道这样做很自私,但又无法控制自己。The trend towards accelerated government expenditure has got out of hand.政府开支加大的趋势已无法控制Due to circumstances beyond our control , the flight is canceled.由于出现无法控制的情况,航班被取消。Due to circumstances beyond our control the performance has had to be cancelled.由于我们无法控制的情况,这次演出不得不取消。Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to cancel tonight's performance of "Carmen'.由于某些我们无法控制的情况,我们不得不取消今晚《卡门》一剧的演出。The news was so exciting that Philip could hardly contain himself.消息太振奋人心了,以至于菲利普几乎无法控制自己的情绪。She was hardly able to control her excitement.她几乎无法控制自己激动的情绪。She knew she sounded just like her mother but she couldn't help herself.她知道自己的语气与母亲一模一样,但就是无法控制自己。She has an inability to control her rage.无法控制自己的愤怒。High winds continue to hamper efforts to contain the oil slick.大风使得人们仍然无法控制浮油扩散。The runaway inflation hit every family.无法控制的通货膨胀殃及每个家庭。I couldn't stop myself thinking about him.无法控制自己不去想他。Once the compulsive spender stops at the mall, she will be unable to control her spending.患强迫性购物症的人一旦来到购物中心,就无法控制自己的开支。There was a twitch in my left cheek which I couldn't control.无法控制左脸的抽搐。An event like this serves to remind us that we do not have control over nature.这样的事件提醒我们,人类无法控制自然。Leo's parents soon found that they were completely unable to control their headstrong son.利奥的父母很快就发现自己根本无法控制这个任性的儿子。Her rage boiled over as she burst into tears.她放声大哭,再也无法控制自己的愤怒。The children didn't know what to do with themselves for excitement.孩子们兴奋得无法控制自己。The race has been called off due to circumstances beyond our control.由于我们无法控制的原因,比赛已经取消。I could not contain my laughter.无法控制自己不笑出声来。The failure was caused by circumstances outside our control.失败是由于我们无法控制的情况所造成的。After swearing off alcohol, he was wrenched by uncontrollable shaking.他发誓戒酒之后因无法控制的颤抖而感到痛苦。The major economic variables are not under control.一些主要的经济因素无法控制Smith's anger got the better of him once again, and he started to attack the referee.史密斯又一次无法控制自己的愤怒,开始抨击裁判。With uncontrollable agitation she opened the letter.带着无法控制的激动,她拆读信件。His drinking had got out of hand.他酗酒的恶习已无法控制As the crisis deepened, it became clear that the government was losing control.危机加剧,政府显然无法控制局势。He couldn't contain his seething emotions.无法控制自己激动的情绪。People were visiting the house every day, sometimes in unmanageable numbers.每天都有人来参观那栋房子,有时人多得都无法控制Anger flooded through her. She couldn't hold it back.她怒火中烧,无法控制He could barely contain his curiosity.他几乎无法控制自己的好奇心。I hit a patch of ice and couldn't control the car.我撞到一块冰上后便无法控制汽车了。




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