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I'm dealing with customers all the time who have let their debts get out of control.我成天和那些负债累累、无力偿还的顾客们打交道。It is easy to fall into the trap of taking out a loan you cannot afford.人们很容易陷入借贷过多无力偿还的困境。Years of mismanagement had left the region virtually bankrupt.多年管理不善使得该地区实际上无力偿还债务。Major banks are suffering losses as a result of having lent too much money to companies who cannot repay their debts.由于将太多资金借给了那些无力偿还债务的公司,各大银行正在蒙受损失。If they cannot repay the loan, they face insolvency.假如他们无力偿还贷款就得面临破产。 |