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Then something seemed to snap in me.随后好像我身体里有什么东西一下子就垮塌了。With the collapse of canonical boundaries, many institutions have become exposed to criticism.随着权威界限的垮塌,许多机构开始遭受批评。There is a real danger that the bridge will collapse from the weight of traffic.那座桥确实有承受不住来往车辆的重压而垮塌的危险。The bridge threatened to give way under the weight of the big crowd.这座桥承受不住众多人的压力,面临垮塌的危险。A section of the Bay Bridge had collapsed.海湾大桥有一段垮塌了。The bridge came dangerously close to collapsing. 大桥就快要垮塌了。 |