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词汇 新生
例句 The old abandoned buildings have been reborn.这座废弃的老房子获得了新生I met her at the Freshers' Ball.我在新生舞会上遇见了她。The new students were told that they must register with the University before they could claim their grants.有人告诉新生说必须向大学注册了才可以申请助学金。He was a good shepherd to new students.他是新生的好指导。An institution with a need-blind admissions policy needs to be able to provide financial aid.院校如果在录取新生时不考虑学生的支付能力,那就必须能提供财政援助。I only know the names of one or two of the new students.新生中我只知道一两个学生的名字。Every year, the older kids pull pranks on new students.每年高年级学生都要对新生搞恶作剧。They are the freshmen of the English Department.他们是英文系的新生The frost nipped the young plants.冰霜冻坏了那些新生的植物。Each new student will be given a bus pass. 每名新生都会发给一张公交乘车证。An introduction session helps new students get their bearings.介绍会可以帮助新生摸清自己的方向。A university can seem a forbidding place to new students.大学对新生来说可能是一个令人生畏的地方。The group meets informally each month to discuss the progress of new students.这个小组每个月都有非正式的聚会,讨论新生的学习进度。She is in ecstatics over the newborn baby.她对新生的婴儿欢喜得发了狂似的。Fear of crime among Japan's new moneyed classes is rising rapidly.日本新生的富有阶层对犯罪的恐惧正在迅速增长。The new student received a letter from the controller's office regarding her tuition.新生收到了一封来自主计官办公室的有关学费的信。Fear of crime among Japan's new monied classes is rising rapidly.日本新生的富有阶层对犯罪的恐惧迅速加剧。I saw their new baby for the first time.我第一次看见他们新生的宝宝。She smiled encouragingly at the new student.她向那名新生投去鼓励的微笑。Death and renewal are leitmotivs running through the whole novel.死亡与新生是贯穿这部小说的主题。The newborn young are helpless creatures.新生的小动物弱小无助。The poem is full of images of birth and new life.诗中充满了新生新生活的意象。There's an orientation day for new students.有一个迎新日让新生熟悉情况。The university campus is quite large and it takes new students a while to find their way around it.大学校园很大,新生需要一段时间才能适应。The school is preparing to welcome the new intake of students.学校正在准备迎接新生The school makes every effort to help new students become adjusted to college life.学校尽一切努力来帮助新生适应大学生活。A family dog rescued a newborn boy from the jaws of death.一只家养犬把一个新生男婴从鬼门关救了回来。We look forward to our rebirth as a nation.我们期待着整个民族的新生The school held a reception for the new students and their families.学校为新生和他们的家人举行了欢迎会。The congregation was spiritually regenerated by the preaching of the evangelist.会众听了福音传道者的这次布道在精神上获得了新生New students are tested in math and reading, and placed in the appropriate class.新生须进行数学和阅读测试,然后分配到合适的班级。There was a new kid in school today.今天有一个新生入学。Their new baby is named Caroline.他们的新生宝宝名叫卡罗琳。The new students were instructed in proper dress and deportment.新生接受了得体着装和仪态方面的指导。This is orientation week for all the new students.这是让全体新生熟悉情况的迎新周。New states were born out of the wreckage of old colonial empires.新生国家从老殖民帝国的废墟中诞生。New students are encouraged to buddy up with older students.新生被鼓励与学长交朋友。For freshmen, college life can be a real shock to the system.新生来说,大学生活可能会是一种真正的考验。It takes new students a while to orientate themselves to college life.新生要经过一段时间才能熟悉大学生活。New students need to go through a short orientation before they begin classes.新生开课前需要参加短期的入学教育。




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