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词汇 民意
例句 The government completely mistook the feeling of the country.政府完全没有把握住该国民意The government finally bowed to public opinion and abolished the unpopular tax.政府最后顺从民意,取消了那个不得人心的税种。So far, majority public opinion is solidly behind the government.迄今为止,大部分民意还是坚决地支持政府。They had become increasingly out of touch with public opinion.他们很快就不问民意了。The survey was valuable as an indicator of local opinion.这项调查作为当地民意的反映是有价值的。The party doesn't seem to be in touch with popular opinion – it's as if they're living on another planet.该党似乎不了解民意,好像他们是生活在另外一个星球似的。He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday.他会为昨天公布的电话民意调查结果感到鼓舞。The decision was taken behind the scenes, without regard to popular opinion.这个决定是在幕后作出的,没有考虑民意A recent poll revealed surprising results.最近的一项民意调查结果出人意料。The polls he cites are simply inaccurate.他引用的那些民意测验结果根本就不准确。Some of our judges are out of touch with public opinion.我们的一些法官脱离了民意They keep their petrol cheap as a sop to public opinion.他们使石油保持低价以取悦民意A wide gap in the polls has opened up between the two candidates.两位候选人的民意支持率已经拉开了很大差距。He had failed to take public opinion into account.他没有考虑到民意The duty of the legislature is to effect the will of the people.立法机构的职责是实现民意The prime minister is a man of the people.首相是个了解民意的人。The candidates tied in the straw poll.这几位候选人在测验民意的假投票中所得选票相等。I think he should do the decent thing and resign.我认为他应该顺应民意主动辞职。She appeared unworried about/by the poll results.她似乎并不在乎民意调查结果。The Party ruled the country without regard for the people's views.该党治国对民意视而不见。Responding to public opinion, the government introduced new controls on guns.政府顺应民意,推行了新的枪支管制措施。The government's excessive use of focus groups to sound out public opinion has come under a lot of criticism.政府过度利用焦点小组探听民意的做法遭到了许多非议。He is going against the current of public opinion.他的所作所为有悖民意The first public opinion poll showed his eponymous right-wing party had gained in popularity.第一次民意测验表明,以他命名的右翼政党赢得了民意的支持。Their policy goes against the grain of public opinion.他们的政策与民意格格不入。They are out of sync with Polish public opinion.他们拂逆了波兰民意The survey found/revealed some surprising tendencies among the population.民意调查发现民众中有些令人惊讶的趋势。The government is trampling on the views of ordinary people.政府无视民意During the election contest newspapers are not allowed to publish public opinion polls.竞选期间不允许报纸刊登民意测验结果。The polls slightly favour the Republicans.民意调查结果对共和党人稍稍有利。




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