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He is known for his fervent nationalism.他因狂热的民族主义而闻名。This nationalist feeling has been exploited opportunistically by several politicians.这种民族主义情绪被几个政客不失时机地加以利用。The Socialist Party won a landslide victory on a nationalist platform.社会党凭借民族主义政纲赢得了压倒性胜利。They became overheated nationalists, militarists, and they were out to conquer.他们变成了过分狂热的民族主义分子和军国主义分子,并想要征服他国。Nationalism is an immensely powerful force.民族主义是十分强大的力量。Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.民族主义正迅速成为一股危险的势力。The country seemed to be returning to the virulent nationalism of its past.这个国家似乎又回到了过去的极端民族主义立场。The end of the Cold War was followed by an increase in nationalism in Eastern Europe.冷战结束后,民族主义在东欧兴起。Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.大企业永远不会让狭隘的民族主义妨碍它们做大好的买卖。The political party has become a hotbed of nationalism and racial bigotry.这个政党已成为滋生民族主义情绪和种族偏见的温床。As nationalistic feelings grew, life became increasingly difficult for immigrants.随着民族主义情绪的高涨,移民的生活越来越艰难了。There are two serious faults in Hobsbawm's discussion of nationalism.霍布斯鲍姆关于民族主义的论述中有两个严重缺陷。This nationalist feeling has been exploited opportunistically by several important politicians.几位头面政客不失时机地利用了这种民族主义情绪。I think nationalism is just a code word for racism.我认为民族主义不过是种族主义的代名词 。The speeches were full of nationalist sentiments.这些演说充满了民族主义的情绪。This is reborn German nationalism.这是德国民族主义的再次兴起。Nationalist sentiment has increased in the area since the bombing.轰炸发生以来,该地区的民族主义情绪开始高涨。Scottish nationalism苏格兰民族主义Political life has been infected by growing nationalist sentiment.政治生活受到了日益高涨的民族主义情绪的影响。Extreme nationalism is the single greatest danger to peace in the modern world.在当今世界上极端民族主义是对和平的最大威胁。The country was gripped by a frenzy of nationalism.这个国家沉浸在民族主义的狂热中。The spirit of nationalism is still far stronger than the spirit of world community.民族主义精神仍然远远胜于世界大同的精神。Strong nationalist sentiment is compounding the deep political problems faced by the President.强烈的民族主义情绪使总统面临的严重的政治问题更为复杂。This kind of fierce nationalism is a potentially volatile force.这种强烈的民族主义意识是一种潜在的不稳定因素。The passion and violence unleashed by Quebec nationalism continued to grow.魁北克民族主义引发的激情和狂热持续高涨。The rise of nationalism could threaten the stability of Europe.民族主义的抬头可能会威胁到欧洲的稳定。Colonialism is especially fertile ground for nationalist ideas.殖民主义尤其会刺激民族主义思想的发展。They were encouraging nationalistic sentiment among the students.他们鼓励学生培养民族主义情感。Attempts to stir up nationalistic feeling at such times are bound to be self-defeating.在这种时候企图煽动民族主义情绪肯定会弄巧成拙。His party had encouraged nationalist sentiment.他所属的政党煽动民族主义情绪。The incident had kindled a wave of nationalist and religious fervour.该事件激起了一波民族主义和宗教狂热。The senator's strong nationalistic views are frightening to many liberals.那位参议员强烈的民族主义观点在许多自由派看来很可怕。Nationalistic fervour was raised to fever pitch by the promoters and the press.在倡导者和新闻界的鼓动下,民族主义情感被提升到白热化程度。The anglicizing policy robbed Irish nationality of a great deal of its native force.英国化政策大大削弱了爱尔兰民族主义原有的力量。The spread of nationalism anticipated the decline of the Empire.民族主义的蔓延加速了帝国的衰落。There was an unmistakable undertone of nationalist resentment in many of their remarks.他们的许多话都明白无误地带有民族主义仇恨情绪。Police say they believe the attacks were carried out by nationalists.警方称他们相信袭击系民族主义分子所为。The tide of nationalism is still running high in a number of republics.民族主义浪潮在许多共和国势头仍盛。The country was gripped by a frenzy of nationalism.这个国家笼罩在民族主义的狂热中。Nationalism won't find a recruit in me.我决不会成为一个民族主义拥护者的。 |