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词汇 整齐
例句 His clothes are all neatly folded in their drawers.他的衣服都整齐地叠放在他们的抽屉里。The room has a neat/fresh/clean appearance. 房间的外表整齐/清新/干净。There were several pairs of riding boots ranked neatly in the hall.门厅里整齐地排列着几双马靴。He had lovely white, even teeth.他有一副洁白整齐的牙齿。He undressed and draped his clothes neatly over the back of the chair.他脱下衣服,整齐地搭在椅背上。The vase was broken, but it was a clean break and easily repaired with a little glue.那只花瓶打破了,但裂口整齐,用一点胶就能粘好。The place resounded to the measured tramp of our feet.场地上回响着我们整齐的脚步声。The last tile slotted in neatly.最后一块瓦片整齐地插进缺口中。I cleaned myself up and got ready for dinner.我梳洗整齐,准备吃晚饭。Billy's cottage was set back off the road, behind a neat little hedge.比利的乡间小屋远离公路,坐落在一小片整齐的树篱后面。The trees stand sentinel on the cliffs.这些树像哨兵般整齐地耸立在悬崖之上。Mrs Woodie cut the sandwiches in neat squares.伍迪太太把三明治切成整齐的方块。The graves were all perfectly aligned.墓冢排成一条整齐的直线。She smiled, showing her small even teeth.她笑了,露出小巧而又整齐的牙齿。Slowly and patiently, she planted the seedlings in a neat row.她缓慢而又耐心地把秧苗插成整齐的一列。She folded the towels tidily.她把毛巾整齐地叠好。She stood up and began to disrobe, folding each garment neatly.她站起来开始脱衣服,并把每件衣服叠整齐He took off his jacket and folded it neatly on his lap.他脱下外套,放在腿上整齐地折叠好。The house projects an atmosphere of calm and order.这栋房子透着一种宁静和整齐感。He had nice square white teeth.他的牙齿洁白而整齐,十分好看。He slotted the magazines neatly into the rack.他把杂志整齐地插到架子上。The church was a small tidy oblong of brick.那教堂是幢小而整齐的长方形砖瓦建筑物。The man smiled, revealing perfect white teeth.男人微微一笑,露出雪白整齐的牙齿。Please leave your books in a tidy pile.请把你的书堆放整齐The houses are lined up even with each other. 这些房屋整齐地排成了一行。As long as the verticals align, the design will look regular.只要所有垂直面在一条线上,图案看起来就会很整齐The children stood in neat rows, smartly dressed in school uniform.孩子们身穿整洁的校服,整齐地站成一行一行的。She folded the clothes into a neat bundle.她把衣服叠成整齐的一包。Their lodgings were always kept with a soldierly cleanliness and order.他们的住处总是保持著军人般的清洁整齐The tools were arranged in orderly rows.工具被整齐地摆成几排。She arranged the chairs in two neat rows.她把椅子排成整齐的两排。The papers were stacked with pedantic neatness on his desk.试卷过分整齐地叠放在他书桌上。I hope you're going to keep your room tidy.我希望你能保持房间整齐His hair fell over his brow instead of being brushed straight back.他的头发没有整齐地往后梳,而是搭在前额。Her nose was quite prominent, and she had small, even teeth.她的鼻子高高的,牙齿小而整齐She had very pretty straight teeth.她有一口漂亮整齐的牙齿。She smiled, revealing a row of perfectly capped teeth.她笑了,露出一排镶得很整齐的牙齿。His teeth have been filed down to long white points.他的牙齿被磨成了一口整齐的皓齿。Arvo reclined on the sofa, his shoes neatly paired on the floor beside him.阿尔沃斜躺在沙发上,他的鞋子整齐成对地摆在他旁边的地板上。Classic Greek drama was written in verse, usually in an elevated and formal style.古典希腊戏剧以韵文写成,通常用词讲究、结构整齐




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