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词汇 customer
例句 As you are a valued customer, I am writing to you to explain the situation.您是一位我们很重视的客户,所以我写信向您解释一下情况。He is a slippery customer, and should be carefully watched.他是一个狡猾的顾客,要小心提防。The company has begun to listen more carefully to its customers, in a determined attempt to improve customer service.这家公司已经开始更用心地倾听客户的心声,下决心要改进客户服务。Estrada was serving a customer when the fire started.起火时埃斯特拉达正在接待一位顾客。Her boss was peeved by/about the mistakes she made with the customer's order.她在处理客户订单时出了错,这让老板很生气。We always make follow-up calls to ensure customer satisfaction.我们总会打跟进电话以确保顾客满意。All their customer information was wiped off the computer by a virus.病毒将他们全部的客户信息都从计算机上删掉了。You should call customer services and complain.你应该打电话到客户服务部门投诉。In a true market, the customer can take business elsewhere.在真正的市场中,顾客可以去别处洽谈业务。Companies should encourage customers to pull information from their website, thus putting the customer in control.公司应鼓励顾客从他们的网站上查找信息,让顾客有控制权。At our bank we insist on high standards of customer service.我们银行坚持高质量的客户服务。A customer-satisfaction survey highlighted the need for clearer pricing.顾客满意度的调查突出表明产品定价需要更加透明。If your customer thinks he's been had, you have to make him happy.要是顾客感觉自己当了冤大头,你就得设法让他消气。Many of the banks offer a poor level of customer service.这些银行中有许多家服务质量很差。Friendly customer service seems to be the exception rather than the rule nowadays. 当今,友好的客户服务似乎极其罕见。The company rewards customer loyalty by offering discounts.公司以打折的方式回馈顾客的忠诚。Their services vary depending on the customer.他们的服务因顾客的要求而有所不同。Merchandisers were seeking ways to precondition the customer to buy their product.推销商正想方设法使顾客有意购买他们的产品。Part of good customer relations is knowing how to deal with complaints.懂得如何处理投诉是保持良好客户关系的一个方面。She's a pretty cool customer.她是一个非常冷静的人。The company has been expanding its customer base using trade magazine advertising.公司一直通过在商业杂志上刊登广告扩展客户群。The factor that distinguishes this company from the competition is customer service.使这家公司从竞争中脱颖而出的因素是它的客户服务。This document is for our customer's information.这份文件供我们的顾客参考。The company places a high premium on customer loyalty.公司非常重视客户的忠诚。I've been trying to call the customer helpline, but all I'm getting is a busy signal.我一直试着给客户求助热线打电话,但得到的就只是忙音。Thank you, that was an object lesson in how to handle a difficult customer.谢谢你,这可是如何应对难缠顾客的一个范例。Can you take care of this customer, please?请你照顾这位顾客好吗?The customer is king.顾客是至高无上的。Bring up the customer database, and type in the amount on the invoice.调出客户数据库,在发票上打上金额。We were just shutting up shop when a customer came in.我们正要关门的时候一位顾客进来了。Several manufacturers are also nibbling away at Ford's traditional customer base.几家制造商也在蚕食福特公司的传统客户群。The management's preoccupation with costs and profits resulted in a drop in quality and customer service.管理人员过于追求成本效益和利润,导致了产品质量和客户服务水平的下降。A high percentage of businesses fail because of the collapse of a major customer or supplier.很大一部分公司倒闭是因为主要客户或供应商垮掉了。He is a cool customer. 他是个不易冲动的家伙。The company is looking for a people person to join their customer service staff.公司正在招聘一位擅长交际的客服人员。We can't afford to lose such an important customer.我们承受不起失去一位这么重要的客户。The company has a solid customer base. 这家公司拥有坚实的客户基础。I was ordered to remain at my post until the last customer had left.我奉命要坚守自己的岗位直到最后一名顾客离开。One aggrieved customer complained that he still hadn't received the book he had ordered several weeks ago.一位顾客愤愤不平地投诉称他仍未收到几周前订购的书。Call our customer service toll-free.请拨打我们的免费客服电话。




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