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词汇 code
例句 The club has a strict dress code.俱乐部有严格的着装要求。The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code.采自该录像带的模拟信号被转换成数字代码。You must enter a code to override the alarm.你必须输入密码才能解除警报。The shipping industry promulgated a voluntary code.航运业公布了一条自律守则。The ancient code of law called for punishment in the form of an eye for an eye.这一古代法典规定,对于犯罪的惩罚要以眼还眼,以牙还牙。The company has its own code of ethics. 这家公司有自己的行为规范。The instructions are translated into binary code, a form that computers can easily handle.各种指令都转换成计算机易于处理的二进制码。She adhered to the strict Islamic dress code.她坚守严格的伊斯兰着装规范。Write the order code in this box.在这个箱子上写上顺序编号。But the performance benefit of compiled code is still important in this environment.但是这种环境中,编译的代码的性能优势仍然非常重要。A new code of conduct for civil servants will be issued next week.下周将公布新的公务员行为规范。The company holds its people to strict observance of that code.公司要求所属人员严格遵守那项规章制度。Each person's genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.每个人的遗传密码都是独一无二的,同卵双胞胎除外。The advertising of alcoholic drinks is regulated by a voluntary code.酒精饮料的广告受到自愿准则的约束。The Morse code is made up of dots and dashes.莫尔斯电码由点和划组成。All reports must be sent in code.所有的报告都要以代码发送。The school imposed a new dress code that forbids students from wearing jeans.学校实行了新的着装规定,禁止学生穿牛仔裤。The student's shirt was not compliant with the school's dress code.那个学生的衬衫不符合学校的着装规定。Doctors in Britain say a new code of conduct is urgently needed to protect the doctor-patient relationship.英国的医生说急需新的行为准则来保护医患关系。Lawyers have their own professional association, which operates a strict code of conduct.律师有他们自己的专业协会,协会有一套严格的行为准则。If anyone gets careless, the secret code may be compromised.要是哪个不当心,密码会泄露的。Students must observe the code of the school.学生必须遵守校规。Every secret agent has a code name.每个间谍都有一个代号。Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature.科学家们找到了破解决定各种身体特征的遗传密码的密钥。He tapped out a message in Morse code.他用莫尔斯电码打出电报。He had been fined for building code violations.他曾因违反建筑规范被罚款。They are governed by a strict code of conduct.他们受到严格的行为准则的约束。There is a strict dress code: no trainers or jeans.有严格的着装规定:不许穿运动鞋和牛仔裤。These violations of the code must cease forthwith.这些违犯法规的行为必须立即停止。The code calls on members to behave with integrity at all times.行为规范要求成员在任何时候言行都要诚实正直。Each employee is given a code number.每个雇员都有一个编码。Members have to conform to a strict dress code.成员们必须遵守严格的着装规定。In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship Douglas offended a stern code.道格拉斯藐视重量级拳王称号的行为违背了严格的准则。She punched in her secret code.她输入了密码。The bar code won't scan. 这个条形码扫描不了。The manuscripts - written in a mysterious code - were a clever hoax.这些手稿是用难以理解的密码写成的,真是巧妙的花招。The production code has largely dissolved,partly because some producers have walked around it.这条生产规则基本上失效了,部分原因是由于一些生产者不照它办。 Each state in the US has a different criminal and civil code.美国的每个州都有不同的刑事和民事法规。All the messages were in code.所有的信息都用了密码。They must insist on a code of conduct for the players.他们须坚决要求选手遵守行为规范。




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