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词汇 数千
例句 This group aims to carry the torch for the millions who demonstrated and the thousands who died.这个团体旨在将游行示威的数百万人与死去的数千人的信念传承下去。Thousands of people will be scrambling for tickets.将有数千人抢购门票。The company has disclosed that it will be laying off thousands of workers later this year.公司透露今年下半年将解雇数千工人。Thousands of recruits had been enlisted and partly trained.招募了数千新人,并对他们进行了一定程度的培训。The clearing out of disused workshops laid bare thousands of Italianate glazed tiles.废弃的作坊拆除干净后,露出了数千块意大利风格的釉面砖。Cars are put through thousands of miles of torture.汽车要经受行驶数千英里的破坏性试验。Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.如果紧急救援物资不能很快运到城中,数千人的生命就会有危险。Thousands of acres of forests and scrubland have been burnt.已经有数千英亩森林和灌木丛林地被烧毁。She owes thousands of dollars to creditors.她欠贷方数千美元。The disease has killed thousands of people.这种疾病已经让数千人丧生。Thousands of its customers are in arrears with loans and mortgage payments.数千客户拖欠其贷款和抵押贷款还款。The flooding was catastrophic, killing hundreds of people and leaving thousands homeless.这次洪水是灾难性的:数百人死亡,数千人无家可归。They sent troops into the region, igniting a conflict that has killed thousands of soldiers.他们派军队进入该地区,激起了一场冲突,结果导致数千士兵死亡。I'm thousands of dollars in debt.我欠债数千美元。The collapse of buildings trapped thousands of people.建筑物倒塌,困住了数千人。The new rules have made thousands more people ineligible for legal aid.新规则使数千人失去了获得法律援助的资格。Thousands of farmers from across Europe have held a huge demonstration in the centre of Brussels.来自欧洲各地的数千农民在布鲁塞尔市中心举行了大规模的示威游行。They lost thousands of dollars in the stock market crash.股市暴跌,他们损失了数千美元。Relief workers say it's worse than ever as disease and starvation combine to kill thousands.救灾人员说疾病加上饥饿夺去了数千人的生命,严重程度前所未有。This cut is welcome news that will alleviate the pressure on thousands of jobs.这项削减是个受欢迎的消息,它将减轻数千在岗人员的压力。They're planning to build roads over thousands of acres of unprotected land/wilderness.他们计划在数千英亩无人看护的土地/荒野上修建道路。Thousands of people attended the funeral.数千人参加了葬礼。The case will cost thousands of pounds in legal fees alone.这个案子仅律师费一项就要数千英镑。Aid agencies have been unable to get through to the thousands of refugees stranded on the border.援助机构无法到达困在边境的数千难民那里。If the merger goes through, thousands of jobs will be lost.如果合并得以完成,将会失去数千工作岗位。The floods left thousands of people destitute.洪水使数千人一贫如洗。There are thousands of unwanted teenage pregnancies every year.每年都有数千例少女意外怀孕事件。Athletes can be fined thousands of dollars for breaking the rules on steroid use.违禁服用类固醇的运动员会被处以数千美元的罚款。The band disappointed thousands of fans by cancelling at the last minute.乐队在最后一分钟取消了演出,数千歌迷大失所望。The building of a new dam will displace thousands of people who live in this area.建造新水坝将迫使居住在这一地区的数千人迁往别处。She ran up gambling debts worth thousands.她的赌债累计已达数千英镑。Films like 'Ben Hur' have a cast of thousands.像《宾虚》那样的电影,演员多达数千人。The European Commission ruled that British Aerospace should pay back tens of millions of pounds.欧洲委员会裁定英国航空航天公司应该偿还数千万英镑。Thousands have braved icy rain to demonstrate their support.数千人冒着冰冷的雨前来表示支持。Thousands of leaflets were parachuted behind enemy lines.数千份传单被空投至敌后。A counterculture group that annually brings together thousands of people for peace gatherings will convene in the Black Hills next month.一个每年会召集数千人参加和平集会的反文化团体,将于下个月在黑山集结。The steelworks provided employment for thousands of people.这家钢铁厂为数千人提供了就业机会。Thousands of fans braved rush-hour traffic to see the concert.数千乐迷不顾交通高峰期的拥堵,赶去听音乐会。Thousands of square miles of rainforest are disappearing each year.每年有数千平方英里的热带雨林在消失。Since the publication of her book, she's received thousands of letters from women who have had similar experiences.自她的书出版以来,她收到了数千封来信,都是有相似经历的妇女写来的。




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