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词汇 数十年
例句 The government has been waging an undeclared war against them for decades.政府数十年来一直在对他们不宣而战。These assumptions about Communism skewed American foreign policy for decades.关于共产主义的这些假设使美国的外交政策数十年来存有偏见。The oil spillage in the Gulf was of such magnitude that its effects will last for decades.波斯湾的漏油事故非常严重,其影响将持续数十年The Communist Party was voted out of power in the nation's first democratic elections in decades.在这个国家数十年以来的第一次民主选举中,该党落选下了台。For decades, many of Malevich's works were consigned to the basements of Soviet museums.数十年里,马列维奇的许多作品被堆弃在苏联博物馆的地下室里。Farming methods haven't changed here for decades.这里的耕作方法数十年来都没改变。The laws have been on the books for decades, but city officials failed to enforce them.这些法律制定了数十年,但市政府官员一直没有执行。Her viewpoint is that of a person who has been in politics for decades.她的看法是一个从政数十年的人的看法。The custom has prevailed for decades.这风俗已盛行数十年For decades this country has been ruled by a repressive military regime.数十年来这个国家一直受一个高压的军政府统治。Divorce rates are leveling out for the first time in decades.数十年来离婚率首次稳定下来。American women worked for decades to win the franchise.经过数十年的抗争,美国妇女赢得了选举权。The church was recently restored after decades of disuse.这座遗弃数十年的教堂不久前刚刚修复好。The empire held together for many decades.这个帝国数十年没有分裂。It was like jumping on a bicycle for the first time in decades.就像数十年来第一次骑上自行车一样。Most high-tech industry has been metric for decades.大多数高科技工业采用公制已有数十年




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