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词汇 bombardment
例句 The capital is still under constant bombardment by the rebel forces.首都仍在遭受叛军的持续轰炸。Weeks of aerial bombardment had destroyed factories and highways.数周的空中轰炸已经摧毁了许多工厂和公路。They have withstood heavy bombardment for many months.他们抵住了多月的猛烈轰炸。Our armies have come under heavy bombardment.我们的军队突然遭到猛烈炮击。The enemy forces crumpled under the bombardment.敌军在砲击下垮了。There was much anger over the bombardment of the capital city.对于首都被轰炸人们满腔怒火。The devastating air bombardment of the last four weeks is only the latest of a series of assaults by foreign armies.过去四个星期里的毁灭性空中轰炸只是外国军队最新的一次行动,他们已经发动了一系列的袭击。He was subjected to a constant media bombardment.他遭到媒体不断的质问。No one could have come out of that bombardment with his sanity.经受过那次轰炸以后,谁也不可能仍保持精神正常。Nightly bombardment of the city looks set to continue.对这座城市的夜间轰炸看来还要持续下去。They disintegrated the atomic nucleus by bombardment with fast particles.他们用高速粒子轰击原子核来使其发生裂变。Many people were killed in the bombardment.许多人死于那次轰炸。The city was subjected to aerial bombardment. 这座城市遭到了空袭。The bombardment began to lift, shifting to targets farther inland.轰击开始转向更远的内地的目标。If the enemy advanced into the open, the commander would call down a prearranged bombardment.一旦敌军进入开阔地,指挥官将下令按预定计划开火。The capital is still under constant aerial bombardment by the rebel forces.首都仍然在遭受叛军的不断空袭。They won't be able to hold out much longer under this sort of bombardment.在这样的炮火轰击之下,他们抵抗不了多久。Air bombardment raised criticism on the humanitarian grounds that innocent civilians might suffer.空袭遭到了批评,因为从人道主义的立场来看,无辜的平民可能会受到伤害。Industrial areas came under heavy bombardment.工业区遭到猛烈轰炸。The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.联军对边境地区进行了一阵猛烈的炮击。The bombardment continued for a terrible nine hours.轰炸持续了九个小时,好可怕。




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