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词汇 放荡
例句 He recalled his dissipated youth spent in nightclubs and bars.他回忆起自己年轻时在夜总会和酒吧里的放荡生活。He smiled rakishly.放荡地笑起来。He rioted his life out.他一生过著放荡的生活。The lady is a pushover! She's got roundheels!这女人是个破鞋! 她生性放荡!He led a fast life.他过著放荡的生活。He was accused of loose conduct/behavior.他因行为/举止放荡受到指控。He held many wild parties in his bachelor pad.他在自己的单身公寓里搞了多次放荡出格的聚会。I always think short skirts and high heels look a bit tarty.我总觉得短裙和高跟鞋看上去有点儿放荡She has led a dissolute life.她过着放荡的生活。Her face was a revelation of age and dissipation.她的脸暴露了她的年龄和放荡的生活。His looseness in life has gravely affected his work.他生活上的放荡严重地影响了他的工作。The flat became a den of savage debauchery.这套公寓变成了野蛮粗俗的放荡之所。He led a dissolute life, drinking, and womanizing till his death.他一直到死都过着灯红酒绿的放荡生活。Cassandra abandoned herself to the libertine ways of a novelist.卡桑德拉纵情于小说家放荡的生活方式。He has a rakish air about him.他一副放荡无忌的样子。The rest of the family led a life of excess.家里其他人过着放荡的生活。Val got in with a wild set at college.瓦尔在大学里结交了一帮放荡的人。He abjured his religion/his life of dissipation.他宣布放弃所信仰的宗教/结束放荡的生活。I suppose I was quite promiscuous in my youth.我想我年轻时生活很放荡Dissipation has mined his health.放荡的生活损害了他的健康。My father was right to rave at me for being a vicious libertine.父亲大骂我是个放荡的坏蛋,他是对的。She looks like a raunchy barmaid.她像一个放荡的酒吧女郎。She was raised in a strict Catholic household but seems completely unashamed and relaxed about sex.她在一个家教严格的天主教家庭长大,但是在性的问题上却是不知廉耻,非常放荡They were guys living fast with flashy lifestyles.他们这些家伙过的是浮华放荡的生活。He gave a convincing stage performance as the unpleasant young debauchee.他在舞台上逼真地演绎出了一个生活糜烂放荡的年轻人形象。




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