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词汇 coalition
例句 The centre-left coalition is expected to prevail in next month's election.中左派联盟可能会在下个月的选举中胜出。Salisbury, Walton, and a few other diehards still refused to join the coalition.索尔兹伯里、华尔顿和其他几个强硬分子仍拒绝加入联盟。The groups united to form a coalition.不同集团联合起来形成一个联盟。The international coalition was ready to take the offensive.国际联盟准备先发制人。A coalition could have defeated the government and wrecked the treaty.联盟本来可以击败政府并毁掉该条约的。More troops have been called in to support the coalition forces there.已调入更多的军队以支持那里的联合部队。The Social Democrats say they are ready after all to begin talks on joining a coalition government.社会民主党人竟然说他们准备开始谈判加入联合政府了。The Chancellor has opted to plough on with policies that could run his coalition on to the rocks.总理选择了苦苦执行可能使他的联合政府触礁的政策。The coalition government fell after only six months in office.这个联合政府执政仅六个月就垮台了。The coalition won a majority of the vote but failed to win enough of the key marginals.该政党联盟赢得了绝大多数选票,但却未赢得足够多的关键边缘席位的选票。His policy risks fracturing the coalition.他的政策有分裂联盟的风险。They cannot govern effectively without their coalition partners.缺少了执政伙伴,他们无法有效地施政。He was working in coalition with other Unionist leaders.他在与统一派的其他领导人一起携手努力。Canada's largest media operation would not embed its staff with coalition forces.加拿大最大的传媒机构不会派遣工作人员跟随联军采访。A coalition government was formed after inconclusive elections.选举没有结果,于是成立了一个联合政府。It's the coalition forces who are to blame for the continuation of the war.战争一直没有停止是由联军造成的。His coalition may hold a clear majority but this could quickly fall away.他的联盟也许会占绝对多数,但这种优势可能会很快丧失。Their policies were notably different from that of the coalition.他们的政策很明显与联合政府的不同。The coalition of centre-right parties is rent by dissension between its two leaders.中间党派和右翼党派的联盟由于联盟的两位领导人之间的争吵而处于分崩离析状态。He hoped to convert his party members to a belief in coalition.他希望能改变党内成员的观点,让他们相信组成联盟是有用的。From the moment he arrived in Washington he sought concord and coalition.自抵达华盛顿的那一刻起,他就寻求亲善与联盟。We're consulting with our allies and coalition partners.我们正在与盟友及合作伙伴协商。The two countries have formed a fragile coalition.两国结成了不牢靠的联盟。The coalition will face a full-on attack from the Government.这个联盟将面临政府的正面抨击。They were threatening to bring down the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition.他们威胁要退出执政联盟,让政府垮台。Ten advocacy groups from all parts of the country formed a loose alliance/association/coalition to present their shared interests to Congress.来自全国各地的十个倡导团体结成了一个松散的联盟,向国会提出他们共同的权益。Even a coalition of the two small parties would not yield a majority.即使这两个小党联合起来也形不成多数。The coalition government was obviously a shotgun marriage.那个联合政府显然是迫不得已而勉强凑合而成的。The coalition will face a full-on attack from the Government.该联盟将面临政府毫无保留的抨击。The coalition won a majority of the vote but failed to win enough of the key marginals.该政党联盟赢得了绝大多数选票,但却未赢得足够多的关键边缘席位。The agreement acted as a balance within the government coalition between the various parties.这份协议在联合政府内部各党派之间起着平衡作用。Westerners charged that the party was run by an unholy coalition between North and South.西部人指责说该党被北方和南方不同寻常的联盟所操控。The Party was a thorn in the flesh of his coalition.该党是他所在联盟的眼中钉、肉中刺。This caused the break-up of the coalition.这导致了联盟的解体。Not a single Arab country is now a coalition member.并不是每个阿拉伯国家现在都是联盟成员国。A multiparty coalition ruled the country.一个多党联合政府统治着那个国家。It will be able to put together a governing coalition.它将可以组成一个执政联盟。The coalition was a curious amalgam of ethnic and religious groups.该联盟是种族群体与宗教团体的奇特混合体。The coalition bulldozed the resolution through the plenary session.这个联盟利用全体会议的方式强行通过了决议。China's support is key to the success of the coalition.中国的支持是联盟成功的关健。




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