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词汇 播放
例句 The disks are playable on home computers.这些光碟可以在家用计算机上播放A tape was played in court in which he confessed to the crime.他承认罪行的录音磁带被当庭播放The car radio was pumping out music with a heavy beat.汽车的收音机不停地播放着节奏感强的歌曲。Who decides which songs get played on the radio?谁来决定广播电台播放哪些歌曲?Their song is being played in dance halls across the country.他们的歌曲正在全国各地的舞厅里播放Television companies sometimes broadcast advisories before violent movies.电视台在播放有暴力内容的电影前,有时会有警示。Most of the stuff they put out isn't worth watching.他们播放的大部分东西都不值得一看。She played a track from the group's latest album.她从这支乐队的最新专辑中选了一首曲子播放The programme was produced in Manchester.该节目在曼彻斯特播放Every so often, this commercial television channel puts on an Arts programme with a capital A.在这商业电视频道中时常会播放一档内容肤浅的艺术节目。The exorcism was broadcast on television.电视上播放了驱邪仪式。They showed the most toe-curling home videos.他们播放了令人极其尴尬的家庭录影。Sitcoms are the stock-in-trade of the major networks.播放情景喜剧是大广播电视公司的惯用手法。The program is a good candidate for TV prime time around Christmas.这个节目大有可能选在圣诞节的电视黄金时间内播放Newscasts continued to broadcast images of the chaotic minutes after the shooting.新闻节目里继续播放着枪击事件发生后现场一片混乱的画面。The film was heavily edited for screening on television.为了在电视上播放,那部电影被大量剪辑过。The speech was broadcast via a video link to thousands standing outside.演说通过视频线路向数以千计站在外面的人播放Teenage disco music pumped out at every station.每一站都喧闹地播放着十几岁少年所喜爱的劲爆迪斯科音乐。The BBC thought it was right and proper not to show the film.英国广播公司认为不播放这部电影是合理而且正当的做法。The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip.英国广播公司对外电视频道的新闻节目播放了同样的电影剪辑片段。Marcie was watching the news. It'd just started.马尔西正在看新闻,才刚开始播放The government introduced a law prohibiting tobacco advertisements on TV.政府颁布了一项法律: 禁止在电视上播放烟草广告。The radio station recently changed its format from jazz to classical. 那家电台最近从播放爵士乐改成了播放古典音乐。On Radio London they play African and South American music as well as rock and pop.伦敦广播电台不仅播放摇滚和流行音乐,还播放非洲和南美洲的音乐。The film was shown on television last night.这部电影昨晚在电视里播放了。The neighbors blasted religious music from their windows at all hours of the night.邻居整夜大声播放着宗教音乐,音乐声从他们的窗户传出来。The television show was preempted by a political talk.这一档电视节目因播放政治演说而被取消了。Pounding music blared from giant loudspeakers.极富节奏感的音乐通过巨大的扬声器大声播放出来。This is the film's first showing on television.这是该电影首次在电视上播放The television blared out annoying commercials.电视上高声播放着烦人的广告。There is pressure to cancel the network broadcast of the movie.存在着要求取消在网络上播放该电影的压力。There is classical music playing in the background.背景里有古典音乐在播放All the networks pre-empted their regular schedules to broadcast news of the hijacking.所有的电视网都取消了安排好的节目,转而播放劫机的新闻。Occasionally something went wrong with the projector and the movie was canceled.放映机偶尔会出问题,这样就得取消播放电影了。The television is still burbling faintly.电视机仍然在嗡嗡播放The radio was playing very loudly.这台收音机播放的声音很大。They give a slant to every single news item that's put on the air.他们播放的每一则新闻都有所偏向。Radio 1's playlist is dominated by top-selling youth-orientated groups.广播一台主要播放一些面向年轻人的乐团所演唱的畅销曲目。Television stations use teletext to show sports scores and news.电视台利用图文电视系统播放体育比分和新闻。A radio was blaring out pop music.一台收音机里高声播放着流行音乐。




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