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词汇 感情用事
例句 She didn't allow her emotions to get the better of her.她没有感情用事They are not in the least sentimental in their habit of thought.在思想方式上他们一点也不感情用事I am fairly objective and not given to impulsive actions.我客观公正,而且不会感情用事She said she'd kill herself if he left her. She's always so melodramatic!她说,要是他离开她,她就自杀。她总是这么感情用事What the hell do I want with an emotional retard?和一个感情用事的傻瓜在一起,我究竟是图什么?Drop the melodrama, will you?不要那么感情用事好不好?She's risking being considered too sentimental.她冒着被认为过于感情用事的风险。One of his problems is he always reacts too emotionally to things.他的毛病之一是:总是太感情用事We must not allow ourselves to be ruled by sentiment in this matter.在这件事情上我们不应该感情用事He's always thrall to passions.他总是感情用事




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