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词汇 感情上
例句 A few words resurrected him emotionally.短短几句话使他在感情上得到了重生。People have to be emotionally equipped to handle their success.人们务必在感情上准备好面对他们的成功。He's been an emotional mess since his girlfriend left him.自从女朋友离开他后,他感情上就陷入了一片混乱。Eastwood's personal life has been an emotional rollercoaster.伊斯特伍德的个人生活是一辆感情上的过山车,历尽坎坷。She was jealous, humiliated, and emotionally at the end of her tether.她既忌妒又屈辱,感情上已经到了崩溃的边缘。He's sentimentally attached to the house.感情上对这所房子很依恋。He kept the old watch for sentimental reasons; it was a present from his mother.他保存这块旧表是出于感情上的原因;那是他母亲送的。He is in need of emotional support.他需要感情上的支持。The teenage years cover a period in which people mature physically and emotionally.十几岁是人在生理和感情上成熟的时期。The divorce was an emotional roller coaster for both of them.离婚对他们俩都是一种感情上的剧变。At that time she was undergoing tremendous emotional problems following the breakup of her marriage.那时她婚姻破裂,感情上饱经痛苦。Winning gave us emotional satisfaction.获胜给予我们感情上的满足。She felt emotionally battered.她觉得感情上备受创伤。They would be far better off, materially and emotionally, if they all pulled together.如果他们所有人都团结一致,他们在物质上和感情上的境况都将大为改善。Be open with each other about your feelings.彼此在感情上要坦诚相对。He is already emotionally involved.他已在感情上介入了。Girls tend to mature more quickly than boys, both physically and emotionally.女孩子不管在生理上还是感情上都往往比男孩子成熟得快。A mother tries to protect her child from hurt.母亲会尽力保护自己的孩子免遭感情上的伤害。He always retreated emotionally at the first whiff of conflict.只要有一点儿冲突的迹象,他在感情上就退缩了。I hope her emotional wound will heal with the passing of time.我希望她感情上的创伤能随时间的流逝而治愈。Person may suffer from loneliness, fear, anxiety, or other emotional responses to stress.人们会因孤独、恐惧、焦虑或其它感情上压抑等而感到痛苦。She had never had the physical or emotional closeness that she needed.她从来没有得到过自己所需要的身体或感情上的亲近。The child had taken a lot of emotional abuse.这个孩子感情上受到了很大的伤害。Lacking self-confidence and maturity, many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable.许多十几岁的孩子既缺乏自信又不够懂事,所以感情上十分脆弱。She says that they no longer seem to communicate.她说他们在感情上似乎不再相通。People call in and just spill their guts about whatever's bothering them on the job or in a relationship.人们打进电话,就是要将工作或感情上的所有困扰倾诉出来。For years Uncle Tom had avoided emotional entanglements.好多年来汤姆叔叔一直避免感情上的纠缠。Rationally, he knows that she won't go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.理智上他知道她不会再回到他身边,但在感情上他无法接受。




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