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词汇 感情
例句 For once emotion and logic were at war in him.他的感情和逻辑一度发生过激烈冲突。Geoff is having trouble dealing with the emotional stress of his recent divorce.杰夫在应付最近离婚带来的感情压力时遇到困难。Although your heart is breaking, you must face the truth that a relationship has ended.虽然你伤透了心,但也必须面对现实,一段感情已结束了。There was a kind of totemic feeling about the objects.对那些物件存在一种图腾崇拜的感情The comment had offended him deeply.这个评论大大伤害了他的感情I was determined not to let my career come between us.我决心不让我的事业影响我们之间的感情She was probably not consciously aware of her true feelings.也许她没有意识到自己真实的感情Sadly, my feelings for him were not reciprocated.很不幸,我为他付出的感情没有得到回报。There was perfect harmony between the two brothers.兄弟俩感情非常融洽。Try to sing with more expression.试着唱得更富感情一些。It was an innocent remark, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.那句话没有恶意,我并不想伤害他的感情The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.儿童谈论或表达自己感情的方式取决于他们的年龄和所处的发育阶段。I'd write screeds and screeds of stuff about my feelings.我会连篇累牍地抒发自己的感情Her recent divorce meant that she was fancy-free.最近她离婚了,这表明无人能用感情拴住她的心。I didn't mean to offend/upset/hurt your susceptibilities.我不是有意要伤你的感情I've ruined every relationship with my possessiveness.占有欲太强毁掉了我的每一段感情The poem showed great intensity of feeling.这首诗表现出强烈的感情Carol wrote poems about her feelings to try and figure out why she felt so mixed-up.卡罗尔创作有关自己感情的诗,试图找出自己为何如此迷惘。The argument appeals to me on a purely intellectual level but fails to reach me on a deeper emotional level.理智上我觉得这个论点有吸引力,而进一步在感情上来说则没有。We are pulled in opposing directions by our emotions.我们因感情问题而分道扬镳。Are such violent emotions proper to poetry?这样强烈的感情适合用诗歌去表达吗?If you don't express your feelings, frustration and anger can build up.你如果不把感情表达出来,那种沮丧、愤怒的情绪就会越积越多。Was it safe to trust someone who was so emotionally unstable?相信一个感情这么多变的人可靠吗?I have always had a deep affection for your family.我一向对你们一家人怀有深厚的感情The tragedy left her emotionally scarred.这段不幸让她的感情受到了创伤。Child abuse is an emotive subject.虐待儿童是一个容易引发强烈感情的话题。Such conduct is repugnant to human feelings.这种行为是与人类感情相抵触的。He wants to keep the relationship hush-hush.他不想让这段感情为外人所知。She wrote feelingly about the tragedy.她饱含感情地写了有关这部悲剧的评论。Those feelings had been hidden in her subconscious.那些感情已经藏在她的潜意识里了。His intensity and the ferocity of his feelings alarmed me.感情之激烈和狂暴都让我惊恐。He appears to take pleasure in hurting her feelings.他好像就喜欢伤害她的感情Avoid using words that might offend someone's racial or moral sensibilities.要避免使用可能会伤害别人种族或道德感情的话语。There are problems in every relationship - it's in the nature of things.每段感情都难免会出现问题——这是必然的。I kept the clock purely for sentimental reasons.我纯粹出于感情原因保留着这个钟。Her feelings for him are such a muddle.她对他的感情一片混乱。He kept his emotions corked up inside him.他把感情深藏于内心。Is it right to attribute complex emotions to animals?认为动物具有复杂的感情是正确的吗?She was clearly fighting with her emotions.她显然是在克制自己的感情His parents were never very demonstrative towards him, so he finds it hard to show his own feelings.他父母对他从来都不太表露感情,所以他也觉得很难表露自己的感情




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