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词汇 凡人
例句 We've suffered all flesh and blood can suffer.我们经受了凡人所能经受的一切苦难。We do the best we can, but we're only human.我们尽力做到最好,但我们也不过是凡人,难免出错。Let children know you are also human and experience difficulties, but don't dump on them!让孩子们了解你也是凡人,也会遇到困难,但是不要将你的问题转嫁到他们身上。I'm only flesh and blood, like anyone else.我只是个凡人,和其他人一样。Convinced that every dog has his day, Marilyn reckoned it must be only a matter of time before her singing talents were discovered.玛丽莲深信凡人皆有得意日,她认为自己的歌唱天赋为人所知不过是时间问题。No frail mortals who worshipped `the golden calf' could change his mind.没有哪个意志薄弱、崇拜金钱的凡人能够改变他的想法。She walks along with her nose in the air barely deigning to notice us ordinary mortals.她目中无人地朝前走着,几乎不愿屈尊看我们这些凡人一眼。Of course I find pretty young women attractive - I'm only flesh and blood.我当然觉得年轻漂亮的女人很有吸引力——我只是个凡人Most people feel that there is something almost inhuman about perfection.大多数人认为完美几乎可以说是凡人难以企及的。Many film stars seem to be larger than life to the mass of ordinary people.在一般人眼中许多电影明星似乎非同凡人My grandmother was a remarkable woman who always seemed larger than life to me.我祖母是一个了不起的女人,在我眼中她总是非同凡人God cannot truly be seen or comprehended by the human mind.上帝是凡人不能亲见或理解的。We're not perfect. We're only human.我们并不完美。我们只是凡人She is a very kind and human person.她人很好,有着凡人皆有的品质。




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