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词汇 摇曳
例句 A light breeze rippled the trees.微风吹过,树叶婆娑摇曳Shadows were flickering upon the studio floor.影子在摄影室的地板上摇曳The daffodils were dancing in the breeze.水仙花在微风中摇曳The wind swayed the branches of the trees.树枝在风中摇曳Inside the shrine candles flicker next to statues of saints.圣殿内烛光摇曳,旁边是一尊尊圣像。On our walk along the river we passed thundering waterfalls and quivering aspens.我们沿着河岸散步,一路经过了雷鸣般的瀑布和摇曳的山杨树。The lilies were nodding in the wind.百合花随风摇曳Palm trees swayed in the background.棕榈树在背后摇曳Moonlight played on the surface of the lake.月光在湖面上摇曳The lamp gave off a flickering and inconstant light.灯发出忽明忽暗摇曳的光。The maples wavered in the wind.枫树在风中摇曳Tall reeds responded to the spanking breeze.高高的芦苇在劲风中摇曳She rocked the baby gently, gazing in abstraction at the flickering fire.她轻轻地摇晃着宝宝,出神地望着摇曳的火光。The leaves on the branch rustled and shook.树枝上的树叶摇曳着沙沙作响。I felt a cold draft and the candle started to flicker.我感到一阵冷风袭来,烛光开始摇曳起来。The tops of the trees rippled in the breeze.树冠在微风中婆娑摇曳The breeze moved the branches of the trees.微风摇曳着树枝。All around me I saw tall trees waving in the wind.我看见四周的大树随风摇曳He's such a pseud, with his talk of '"lambent harmonies" and "melting arpeggios".他真是个冒牌行家,净说些“摇曳的和声”和“柔和悦耳的琶音”之类的话。The candle flickered by the bed.床边烛光摇曳It was a slow, pulsing rhythm that seemed to sway languidly in the air.那是一种缓缓的律动,感觉像是慵懒地摇曳在空气中。The candle glimmered and went out.烛光摇曳了几下便熄灭了。The palm trees wavered in the wind.棕榈树在风中摇曳The branches were tossing in the wind.树枝在风中摇曳The tops of the trees swayed in the breeze.树梢在微风中摇曳The kite wavered in the wind.风筝在风中摇曳The palm trees along the shore swayed in the wind.沿岸的棕榈树在风中摇曳




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