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例句 He couldn't work up any enthusiasm for the idea.他对这个想法怎么也提不起热情。Talking about politics always gets me down.谈论政治总让我提不起精神。Nothing - not even the prospect of dinner - could lift his spirits.什么都提不起他的兴致,甚至连吃饭也不例外。I tried reading the book, but I just couldn't get into it.我试着读这本书,可我就是对它提不起兴趣。Food was of no interest to her at all.食物一点都提不起她的兴趣。Such a meal did nothing to lift her spirits.这样的一顿饭丝毫提不起她的兴致。It doesn't interest me.提不起我的兴趣。I'm afraid opera leaves me cold.歌剧恐怕提不起我的兴趣。The heat was making me listless.炎热的天气使我提不起精神。Lili had clearly regained her appetite but Doran was disinterested in food.莉莉显然已经恢复了食欲,但多兰却提不起胃口。The restaurant's dessert selection was somewhat uninspiring.这家餐馆的甜点种类令人提不起兴趣。She said he was the most attractive man she'd ever met, but that his lack of generosity had been a massive turn-off.她说他是她见过的最有魅力的男人,但他的小肚鸡肠让人提不起性趣。Tasks that do not challenge you can be very demotivating.缺乏挑战性的任务会使人提不起干劲。




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