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She is aligning with other senators to oppose his nomination.她与其他参议员联手反对对他的提名。Although there are some who oppose the plan, we will go through with it notwithstanding.尽管有些人反对这个计划,我们还是会坚持到底。It was courageous of him to oppose his chief.他胆子真大,居然反对他的上司。We're hoping we can get more senators to oppose the legislation.我们希望能够争取到更多的参议员出面阻止该立法。Both faculty and students oppose the measures.教员和学生都反对这些措施。They oppose government censorship.他们反对政府审查制度。More people favour a single European currency than oppose it.赞成单一欧洲货币的人占多数。Some radicals may oppose him in protest at the attempt of his supporters to stage-manage the congress.有些激进分子可能会反对他,以作为对他的支持者企图操纵国会的抗议。It should come as no surprise that many people oppose the plan.许多人反对这一计划,没什么大惊小怪的。There was a major campaign to oppose the building of a nuclear reactor.爆发了一个反对修建核反应堆的大型运动。The left oppose the tax increase.左翼人士反对增税。It is illogical to oppose the repatriation of economic migrants.反对把经济移民遣送归国是不合逻辑的。We would vigorously oppose such a policy.我们强烈反对这种政策。Congress is continuing to oppose the President's healthcare budget.国会继续反对总统的医疗保健预算。Wisdom consists in learning when to evade and when to oppose head-on.明智在于懂得何时应退避三舍,何时应正面硬顶。We totally oppose the use of gas to kill any animal.我们绝对反对使用毒气杀死任何动物。They have decided not to oppose the decision in this instance.这种情况下他们已决定不反对此决议。We must be firm in our resolve to oppose them.我们必须下定决心反对他们。He met the man who will oppose him in the next election.他见到了那个将在下一次竞选中与他竞争的人。They agreed not to oppose her nomination.他们同意不反对她的提名。We oppose racism in all its forms.我们反对各种形式的种族主义。Most voters oppose the repeal of the law.大多数选民都反对废除这项法律。A majority of the electorate oppose the law.大多数选民反对这项法令。The armed forces oppose the policy. 军队领导人反对这一政策。There are still many traditionalists in the church who strongly oppose the idea of women priests.教会里仍有许多保守的人,他们强烈反对妇女当牧师。Getting approval for the plan is a purely formal matter: nobody will seriously oppose it.使计划得到批准只是程序而已:没人会真正反对。The march was by the silent majority who oppose terrorism.参加游行的是那些反对恐怖主义的沉默的大多数。Public sector unions are likely to oppose Blair's move away from government investment in health and transport.国营部门工会可能会反对布莱尔减少政府投资医疗和交通的做法。Various political and religions groups united to oppose the dictatorship.各个政治、宗教团体联合起来反对独裁统治。He caught/drew heavy flak for his decision to oppose the new school.他反对那所新学校的决定受到猛烈抨击。This document shows how to oppose bad decisions about new housing.这份文件说明的是怎样来抵制有关新住房的不当决定。Many parents oppose bilingual education in schools.很多家长反对学校实行双语教育。Many business elites oppose the new policy.很多商界上层人士反对这项新政策。It seems improbable that America's allies will oppose the proposed arms reduction.美国的盟国似乎不大可能反对它提出的裁减武器的建议。Few politicians have been bold enough to oppose the plan to cut taxes.几乎没有政治家敢于反对这项减税计划。If you try to oppose the boss yourself, you're likely to get caught out on a limb.如果你想和老板作对,那你可能会陷入危险境地。Many people oppose the death penalty because of the possibility of miscarriages of justice.许多人反对死刑,因为存在误判的可能。Father does not oppose the idea at all.父亲丝毫不反对这个想法。Hoffman did not simply oppose the system; he used the system against itself.霍夫曼不仅仅是反对这个体制,他还利用体制自身的漏洞对它进行攻击。His thinking, while unreligious, did not oppose religion.他的思想虽然是非宗教的,但并不反对宗教。 |