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词汇 措辞
例句 His lawyers are splitting hairs over the wording of his contract.他的律师们正字斟句酌地审读他的合同措辞His choice of words created quite a furore.他的措辞引起了相当大的骚动。In restrained wording, he has made his points.他用颇有节制的措辞说明了自己的观点。A few choice words will do the trick.一些恰到好处的措辞就会达到效果。The two sides failed to agree on the wording of a final report.双方对最终报告的措辞未能达成一致。The document's ambiguous wording makes it very difficult to follow.该文件措辞暧昧,难以读懂。It's the same sentiment, though worded rather differently.还是同样的观点,只是措辞稍有不同。The request, naturally, is politely phrased but is still recognizably a command.无疑,这个请求措辞委婉,但显然还是一个命令。We were confused by the ambiguous wording of the message.我们被这则消息含糊的措辞搞懵了。Now it's just a question of getting the wording right.现在的问题只是要措辞得当。Whenever he put pen to paper he was at a loss for the right words to break the news.他每次一提笔就不知道如何措辞透露这个消息。The wording of the two documents differs, though only slightly.这两份文件的措辞有所不同,不过差别很小。His final report to the President was far more temperate and balanced than the earlier memorandum.和之前的备忘录相比,他递交给总统的总结报告措辞要更为温和得体。His objection was couched in the strongest terms.他用最强烈的措辞表达了他的反对意见。I rejected his advice in terms which rendered it impossible for him to address me again.我拒绝了他的劝告,而我所用的措辞使得他再也不可能对我说话了。The language in her speech was deliberately bland.她的演说中故意用了平淡的措辞His gestures were economical, his words generally mild.他的肢体动作尽可能少,措辞总体温和。It was a most unfortunate choice of expression.那是非常不恰当的措辞The statement was very carefully phrased.这份声明措辞非常谨慎。The presidents issued a strongly-worded statement in support of the government.诸位总统联合发表了一份措辞鲜明的声明来支持该政府。His speech to the police officers about racial violence had to be very carefully worded.他向警官发表的关于种族暴力的讲话措辞必须非常小心。Her unfortunate choice of phrase offended most of the audience.她不恰当的措辞惹恼了大多数观众。The final wording had not yet been determined.最终措辞仍未敲定。The report does not mince words, describing the situation as "ludicrous".这篇报道没有婉转措辞,而是直接把事态描述为“荒唐”。Whatever the terms used, the facts are plain enough.无论使用怎样的措辞,事实都是非常清楚的。Bias often creeps in through the wording of questions.提问的措辞往往夹杂着偏见。He knew how to turn a phrase, and he knew how to tell a story.他知道如何措辞,也知道讲故事的技巧。Periodically poets revolt against the prevailing style of poetic diction.诗人们偶尔会反感流行的诗歌措辞风格。It was an unfortunate choice of words.如此措辞很不得体。He argued over the wording of the editorial.他为那篇社论的措辞而争论。The minister wrestled over the wording of the communique.部长斟酌公报的措辞We changed the wording of the text to make it more comprehensible.我们改动了措辞以使内容更易理解。He sweated over the wording of his speech for several days.他几天来都在冥思苦想演讲的措辞You have a nice turn of phrase.你的措辞很漂亮。We all modify our speech when speaking to people in authority.对有权势的人说话时,我们都要改进措辞He changed the wording of the contract to give/leave himself an out.他修改了合同的措辞,以便给自己留个出路。The vagueness of the statement enabled both sides to claim victory.声明措辞模糊,让双方都可以声称自己是获胜一方。He is always careful in his use of language.措辞总是很讲究。He could not find the words to say that he was leaving.他找不到合适的措辞来说出他要走。People will be more likely to listen to you if you tone down your language a little.假如你的措辞更温和一点,人们会更愿意听的。




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