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例句 Heat the oil and deep-fry the fish fillets.将油加热,然后放入鱼片煎炸。He put his shaving things into a plastic bag.他将刮脸用具放入塑胶袋内。Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water.同时,把碗置于微沸的水上,将白巧克力放入碗中使其熔化。They pouched the change.他们把找零放入口袋。He pocketed the change.他把零钱放入口袋。Put the soap and water in a pan and leave to stand until they have blended.将肥皂和水放入平底锅中不动,然后让它们溶成一体。A dentist could put in a temporary filling, but that's not the perfect solution.牙医可能会放入一些临时的填料,但这不是最理想的办法。You can ripen the fruit by placing it in a paper bag and storing it at room temperature for a few days.你把水果放入纸袋,置于室温数天后,就可以使其成熟。Shake the dressing well before you put it on the salad.放入色拉前把调味汁摇匀。Add the sugar, butter, and chopped walnuts.放入白糖、黄油以及切碎的核桃仁。After the water comes to a boil add the noodles.水开之后把面条放入There is a lot of controversy over whether or not wolves should be released into the park.对于是否应该把狼群放入公园,目前存在许多争议。The coffin was lowered slowly into the ground.棺材被慢慢地放入地下。I put the coin in my pocket.我把硬币放入口袋。Grate a tablespoonful of fresh ginger into a pan.磨碎一汤匙鲜姜,放入平底锅。After beating the cake mixture, add a handful of mixed nuts.搅打完蛋糕混合料之后,放入一把什锦果仁。She watched his face, as the coffin was lowered into the ground. As soon as it was decent, he plunged through the crowd towards the cars.棺材慢慢放入墓穴时她一直注视着他的脸。礼仪许可的时间一到,他便挤过人群走向那些车子。Please place your litter in the receptacle provided.请把扔弃的东西放入提供给你的容器里。They lowered the coffin into the grave.他们把棺材放入了墓穴。Mix all the ingredients together and place them in a shallow dish.将所有配料搅拌混合后放入浅底盘中。He needs some more vodka to spice up the punch.他还要一些伏特加作为香料放入潘趣酒。She sliced the onion and put it in the beef stew.她将洋葱切片放入炖牛肉中。Keep what's left in a covered container in the fridge.把剩下的倒进有盖容器里放入冰箱。Brown the mince in a frying pan, strain off the excess fat and add the chopped onions.把肉末在煎锅中煎至褐色,撇去多余的脂肪,然后放入剁碎的洋葱。Marianne got a couple of mugs and popped a tea bag into each one.玛丽安娜拿来几个大杯子,麻利地在每个杯子里放入一个茶包。I plopped a couple of ice cubes into the drink.我把几块冰啪哒啪哒放入饮料之中。They are whirled round in huge machines to get them used to the forces they will experience in space flight.他们被放入巨大的机器中旋转,以使他们适应在航天飞行中将经受的各种力。He put the flowers in a wide-mouthed blue vase.他把花放入了一个宽口蓝色花瓶中。Put the spaghetti into plenty of boiling salted water.把意大利面放入大量煮沸的盐水中。Put the egg preparation in a pan and add the vegetables.把做好的鸡蛋放入平底锅内,然后加入蔬菜。Place the vegetables in the oiled pan.把蔬菜放入抹了油的平底锅里。He inserted a cassette into the machine.他把一盒磁带放入机器里。I put my spare change in a charity collection box.我把备用零钱放入一个慈善募捐箱内。Marinade the chicken breasts in the tandoori paste.把鸡胸脯肉放入唐杜里烧烤酱里腌泡。Remove all the packaging from the pizza and place it in a preheated oven.把比萨饼外面的包装纸都拿掉,再把它放入预热的烤箱内。He slipped it quickly into his pocket.他把这东西迅速放入口袋。Dampen the soil a little before you put the seeds in.把泥土弄湿一点,再放入种子。They put the insect into a tin with a perforated lid.他们把虫子放入一个盖子上有孔的罐子里。When the oil is hot, add the sliced onion.油热了后,放入切好的洋葱。He wiped the knife and put it back in the sheath.他擦干净刀子,放入鞘内。




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