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词汇 放低
例句 Lower your voice and be careful what you say. The walls have ears. 把声音放低,说话要小心。隔墙有耳。I wish you two would keep your voices down.我希望你俩把嗓门放低些。 He dropped his voice and glanced round at the door.放低了声音,在门口环视了一下。The forecasts have since had to be toned down, as the economy has exhibited unmistakable signs of slowing…该预测不得不在此后放低调子,因为经济已明白无误地显示出放缓的迹象。He kept his voice low-pitched in case someone was listening.他把声音放低以防被人听见。Some cyclists need to tip the nose of the saddle down for comfort.一些自行车骑手需要将车座前半部分放低来保证骑行舒适。We need to lower the mirror in the bathroom.我们要把浴室中的镜子放低些。She lowered the glass with calculated slowness.她有意慢慢地放低了玻璃杯。The shelf has been lowered; a long reach is not necessary.搁板已放低了一些,用不着把手伸得老长的就可够到。Her voice was pitched low.她把声音放低了。The BBC must not seek to dumb down and compete with the bottom end of the market.英国广播公司绝不可放低身段去和市场底层的对手竞争。I think people have loosened up their standards.我认为人们放低了标准。The man moved closer, lowering his voice.男人靠近了些,放低了声音。They dropped their voices as they entered church.进入教堂之后他们放低了自己的说话声。The phonograph was lowered a little before midnight.唱机的声音在午夜前放低了一些。He began to howl and diminuendoed down to a mutter.他始而大喊大叫,后来把声音渐渐放低,变成小声咕哝了。




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