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词汇 close off
例句 The workmen closed off the street for repairs.工人们将大街封锁进行翻修。She repainted the downstairs rooms and closed off the second floor.她重新粉刷了一层的房间,把二层封了起来。Half of the museum was closed off while they made the changes.博物馆整修期间,一半的场馆区域暂停开放。The damage would cause the road to be closed off for hours.损坏将会导致道路关闭数小时。They have closed off that avenue of discussion.他们已经关闭了那个商讨渠道。Large areas of the city have been closed off by barricades set up by the demonstrators.城市中大片地区被示威者设立的路障封锁了。Why was the area closed off to all traffic?为什么断绝了该地区的一切交通? The city closed off the beach to tourists.这座城市暂停向游客开放海滩。The roads into the docks were closed off by iron gates.通往码头的路被铁门阻隔了。All the streets have been closed off by the police.所有的街道都被警察封锁了。Farms in the area have been closed off in an attempt to contain the disease.为阻止疾病扩散,该地区的农场都被关闭了。Police quickly closed off the area.警方迅速封闭了该地区。The old guard of leaders are closed off behind walls built of yesterday's ideology.保守领导人被隔绝在用过时的意识形态建造的高墙后面。One lane of the road was closed off by traffic cones.这条道路的一个车道用交通锥封闭了。The police have closed off the high street to traffic.警察封锁了商业大街的交通。




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