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例句 He saw the interview as an opportunity to push his latest film.他把这次会面看作是一次推广他新电影的机会。Irving Brokaw popularized figure skating in the U.S.欧文·布罗考使花样滑冰在美国得以推广This campaign is one of the most successful in the history of advertising.这一宣传推广是广告史上最为成功的活动之一。This approach can be extended to other fields.这个方法可推广至其他领域。The marketing department is busy promoting the new line of men's clothes for fall.市场部正忙着推广秋季男装新品。With the introduction of user-friendly software, home computer sales suddenly took off.随着易于使用的软件的推广,家用电脑销量突然开始大增。The studio clearly overspent on marketing, and the movie was still a flop.制片厂在推广方面显然已经花钱过多,可这部影片还是不卖座。Television has done a lot to popularize snooker.电视在斯诺克台球的推广过程中起了很大作用。Self-service supermarkets were first popularized by businessman Clarence Saunders.自助式的超级市场最初是由商人克拉伦斯·桑德斯推广开来的。Health food stores promote all manner of herbs to prevent colds.保健食品商店推广各种预防感冒的药草。Jennings is currently on tour, promoting and reading from his new children's book.詹宁斯目前正在巡回推广和朗读他的新儿童读物。The service is being expanded following the success of a pilot scheme.在试验性方案获得成功后,这项服务正在推广中。Touring the album temporarily split the band up.巡回推广这张唱片使该乐团各成员暂时各奔东西。He had written letters on official notepaper to promote a relative's company.他用公函信纸写信推广一个亲戚的公司。Since founding Island Records, Blackwell has championed the cause of Jamaican music.自创建小岛唱片公司以来,布莱克威尔就一直在为牙买加音乐的推广事业而奋斗。He did this to promote American exports.他这么做是为了推广美国出口产品。They were very good at evangelizing the software.他们对这一软件的推广很有一套。Companies are increasingly making use of social media in order to market their goods.企业越来越多地使用社交媒体推广产品。It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.宣传推广如此危险的产品完全是不道德的。The band is currently touring to promote the new album.该乐队目前正在各地巡回,推广他们的新唱片。They're trying to promote Dubai as a tourist destination.他们正在把迪拜推广为旅游目的地。She did a series of interviews to publicize her new book.她接受了一系列访问来推广她的新书。I told them to work hard to merchandise the company's technology.我告诉他们要努力推广公司的技术。Extending this approach to the rest of the planet became the focus for our international negotiations.将这一方法推广至全球其他地区成为我们进行国际谈判的核心。New technology is rapidly being introduced into factories.新技术在工厂中得到迅速推广He evangelized this product around the globe.他在全球推广这一产品。The company is preparing for a huge marketing push.公司在筹备大规模营销推广活动。It is too soon to generalize the study's findings beyond the study group.把研究的结果向研究小组以外推广还为时过早。Local companies find the sites and build the theme parks, while we will look after the branding.各地的公司确定园址后进行主题公园的修建,而我们将负责品牌推广工作。The Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the Embassy works in coordination with Peruvian institutions to protect and promote Peru's cultural patrimony.大使馆公共事务部与一些秘鲁的机构协同保护和推广秘鲁的文化遗产。Usually the book publisher, not the author, picks up the tab for a publicity tour.一般来说,由出版商而不是作者承担巡回推广的费用。The launch of their new product line will include prime-time TV commercials.他们的新产品系列的发行推广方式将包括在电视黄金时段做广告。Dream analysis was popularized by Sigmund Freud.西格蒙德·弗洛伊德推广了梦的解析。The band is touring in support of their latest album. 这支乐队正在通过巡回演出推广他们的最新专辑。Paul Weller has announced a full British tour to promote his second solo album.保罗·韦勒已经宣布到英国巡演,以推广他的第二张专辑。More employers now have well-financed and well-organized health promotion programs within the workplace.现在有越来越多的雇员在工作场所享有经费充足、安排有序的保健推广计划。Expertise in this field is very thinly spread across the country.该领域的专门技术在该国没有怎么得到推广Publishers often attempt to jump-start a new book with TV appearances by the author.出版商常常借助作者上电视的手段来推广新书。From now on Neil is responsible for publicity and marketing.从现在起由尼尔负责推广和营销。Norton is on tour promoting her new children's book.诺顿在巡回推广她新写的儿童读物。




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