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词汇 close at hand
例句 The Exhibition Centre is a great day out, with plenty of parking and all the attractions of Manchester close at hand.到展览中心玩一天很不错,那里车位多,而且曼彻斯特所有的景点都在近旁。I always keep a few tissues close at hand just in case.我总在手边放一些纸巾以备不时之需。Somewhere close at hand a train rattled by.一辆火车从我的身边轰隆隆地开过。The time for us to leave was close at hand.我们离开的时间就要到了。I'm very glad that, when my children were small, my mother was always close at hand.我非常庆幸,我的孩子小的时候,我母亲总是在我身边。




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