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词汇 做完
例句 He doesn't like the job but he'll soldier on until the work is done.他虽不喜欢这差事,但他会继续坚持下去,直到做完为止。We have completed our experiments and we are now analyzing the results.我们已经做完了实验,现正在分析结果。The kitchen was not a pretty sight after we finished making breakfast.我们做完早餐后,厨房里不成样子了。He was through with his homework.他家庭作业做完了。Just give me a couple more minutes. I'm nearly through.只要再给我几分钟时间就行。我快做完了。She finished her homework in nothing flat. 她一眨眼工夫就做完了作业。If you just bear with me for a few more minutes, we'll have all the paperwork finished.如果你能耐心地再等几分钟,我们会把所有的文书工作都做完I'm nearly done.我差不多做完了。I didn't finish the test-I ran out of time.我没做完试卷 - 没时间了。He's recuperating from major heart surgery.做完心脏大手术后,正在休养恢复。I should know by now not to throw away the directions until we've finished cooking.现在我知道了不该在饭没做完之前就扔掉烹饪说明。I am determined to finish the job come hell or high water.不管有多大困难,我决心把那项工作做完We're finished at last.我们终于做完了。The girls tore into their chores and were finished within an hour.姑娘们全力以赴,家务活一个小时内就做完了。They completed the job in next to no time.他们很快就把工作做完了。Hold on - I haven't finished yet.等等,我还没做完呢。After lunch the children settled down to finish their science projects.午饭后,孩子们定下心来把科学专题研究做完If you do most of the cooking beforehand, you'll enjoy the evening more.如果你事先把大部分菜做完了,这个晚上你会玩得更开心。We must be finished by tonight, so I want you to give it your all.我们今晚一定要做完,所以我希望你们要全力以赴。You should have done that yesterday you idiot!.你本该昨天把它做完的,你这个白痴!I'll stay up all night, if necessary, to get it finished.如有必要,我会熬个通宵把这事儿做完Have you finished your homework yet?你的家庭作业做完了吗?Chris is so ambitious, so determined to do it all.克里斯踌躇满志,决心要将它都做完The doctor performed the delicate operation.医生做完了那台极为复杂的手术。This low-impact exercise involves stepping on and off a platform following routines to music.这一低强度锻炼的内容包括在伴随音乐做完固定动作之后重复踏上踏下平台。We usually bunk down the four little ones on a makeshift bed until we finish work for the night.晚上的活做完之前,我们通常让四个小孩子睡在临时搭的床上。I can't come till I have finished.我要等做完工作才能来。The hardest part of the work is over and the rest is downhill.这件事的最难部分做完了,剩下来的事很容易。Go on to the next question when you've finished.做完后接着做下一道题。She's straining every nerve to get the work finished on time.她拼尽全力争取把工作按时做完I should be finished work by noon. Would you like to get together then?到中午我应该把工作做完了。到时候你愿意聚一聚吗?He'll get the job done, but you need to chivvy him along a bit.他会把这工作做完的,但你需要稍微多催催他。The work is pretty well finished.这件工作差不多要做完了。Just do what's necessary and then leave.做完必要的事情就走吧。It's just possible we'll finish the job by tonight, but it'll probably be tomorrow.我们虽然有可能今晚把这件事做完,但是很可能得明天才完成。He decided to follow through the business first.他决定先把这笔生意做完I got so fed up with waiting for him to do it that I just went ahead and did it myself.我等他等得实在不耐烦了,所以就干脆自己动手把事做完了。The boy was anxious to get to the movies, so he made short work of his homework.这男孩急于去看电影,所以很快就把作业做完了。He started his homework two hours ago and he still hasn't finished.他两小时前就开始做作业了,可现在还没做完All I wanted was for those people to hurry up and leave.我只想那些人快点做完离开。




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